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We follow Rubin to his office, and he turns his laptop towards us to see.
"The reward was posted anonymously through the police office. No way to know who put it out." He says.
Tom looks more than frustrated, but I don't see why this is such an issue.
"It's just a reward, why are we worried?" I question.
I can tell Tom doesn't want the extra stress of me sitting here questioning him, but he takes a cleansing breath and turns to me anyways.
"Normally I wouldn't be worried, but they showed your picture to the group who attacked us. I don't think they have good intentions for getting you back." He explains.
"Why would they want me?" I ask. There's truly no reason why anyone should want me, I'm not important to anyone, I'm not valuable. I don't have money or anything, it just makes no sense that an anonymous person is willing to put out so much money to find me.
"Who knows.. they're sick." Tom mumbles angrily, turning back to Rubin. "If they want her, they'll come again. I want high security 24/7. Guards outside of both doors to my wing, extra security around the perimeter of the house, all armed."
"Of course sir." Rubin nods, and Tom pulls me out of the room.
Now I see why he wanted to keep me away from this. It's pure stress. I don't understand how he runs all of this.. I'd break so quickly. It seems like he's about to break, but I know he won't. He's Tom. He's always been there to protect me no matter how bad it gets, and I know he's going to be there every step of the way through this.
"Tom.. are they going to-"
"They're not going to lay a finger on you." He interrupts me.
"But just in case something happens-"
"Chloe I want you to listen, and hear what I say." He says, stopping his stride in the middle of the hallway. "I will kill any fucker that even comes near you. You are safe here, with me."
This is a side to Tom that I haven't seen. He's always been over protective, but never to these extremes. Or I guess he always was this way with me but simply kept it to himself. Either way, I have to admit, it's nice having someone care so deeply about me.
We step into his wing of the house, and I see my suitcase sitting on the floor where I left it, all packed and ready to go. I can't believe I was about to leave..
I also take notice of my dads file sitting open on the sofa, and I start to remember all the information on it that I read. About my fathers mental health issues, and everything.
"Tom." I say, picking up the file and skimming it once more.
"Yes love?" He hums.
"Do you think.. could I turn out like him?" I question, setting the file down.
"Chloe don't think that way." He says.
"If it's in my genes, and normally shows in late teens early twenties, then there's nothing stopping that from happening." I say with anxiety.
"It's not going to happen to you." He shakes his head. "And if it did, I'd take you to the best psychiatrist in the world and we'd drug you up."
I let out a laugh at his comment, I hate him for making me laugh at inappropriate times, but I also love him for that.
"Ah there's that pretty little smile." He grins.
I feel that tightening feeling in my stomach again, making me feel light and airy. The way he compliments me, it feels different lately. Maybe it's that we've been spending a lot more time together, but I feel like he just makes everything better.
"Welcome home Chloe, could I get you anything?" Jeanette asks as she makes her way into the room.
"Actually, a bottle of champagne and two glasses would be perfect." I say.
Jeanette goes to grab the champagne and Tom tilts his head like a confused puppy.
"What for?" He asks.
"We're celebrating." I state as Jeanette sets down the champagne and glasses, quickly making her way out to give us our privacy.
"Celebrating what exactly?"
"Everything." I smile. "You're alive, I'm out, it only goes up from here."
He pours the liquid, and hands me my glass.
"Wish I could be as positive as you, darling." He comments.
He's definitely overwhelmed from everything that's happened the past couple days. I set my glass down, and stand to my feet, walking over to the record player and putting on some music. Tom simply watches me from the sofa, and I put out my hand to him.
"Come on. Get up." I say.
"I don't dance, sweetheart." He shakes his head. I swear to god this boy gets on my nerves sometimes.
"If you don't get your ass up Holland." I warn.
"Ooo threatening." He says sarcastically, standing to his feet and setting down his glass.
He hesitantly walks over to me, and I grab his hand, pulling him closer. He's stiff and stressed, poor thing can't even have a little bit of fun.
"You need to relax." I say softly.
"Yeah.. I do." He agrees, twirling me around which makes me giggle.
We dance around the room really poorly, but we couldn't care less about what we look like. Just having fun with each other like we use to makes us completely forget about what's actually going on. He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me in closer and resting his forehead against mine. I close my eyes and smile, appreciating that I'm here with him.
There it is again- that feeling in my stomach. I open my eyes, looking up into his to see he's already looking at me.
"Chloe.. I need to tell you something." He says quietly, his hot breath hitting my skin.
The double doors open, and I pull from Tom quickly. I don't know why- but it just felt too.. intimate I guess? Haz walks in with his phone in his hand, typing frantically.
"Need something?" Tom asks in a slightly aggravated voice.
"I made some calls, paid a few thousand pounds.. I have a name." Haz says proudly.
"A name for?" Tom questions.
"The person who put out the reward for Chloes return." He states. "His name is David Wallace."
I feel a sinking pain in my stomach, and my breathing quickens. I look to Tom, who looks back at me with the same expression. There's no way.. this is some kind of sick joke.
"That can't be right." Tom shakes his head.
"Why not?" Haz questions.
"Because..." I start. "That's my brothers name.. my dead brothers name."

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