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•Toms Pov•
I go to school, still a little irritated from last night. I'm not irritated with Chloe, I'm just upset that she didn't come to me for support when she needed it. I'm even more upset now that I've heard how Haz was with her. I'm glad he was there to help and comfort her but the way Chloe explained their conversation.. it's not just Haz being a friend. He's getting close to her, and there are obvious reasons why.
I know he had a crush on her when we first met three years ago, he thought she was cute but we had just started training and there was no way he would have been able to commit to a relationship. Then over the years she just got closer to me and never really bonded too much with Haz.
I sit down at the lunch table with Harry and Sam. I look around, making sure Haz isn't coming yet before I talk.
"Question." I start. "Who do I like?"
"Chloe." The twins say in unison.
"Exactly. I make it obvious right?" I take a bite of my food, and they laugh.
"Yeah, ridiculously obvious." Harry replies.
"So tell me why Haz is moving in on her." I mutter and they both look to each other, before looking to me.
"Well he likes her too." Sam states.
"Yeah starting 24 hours ago." I roll my eyes.
"Really?" Harry laughs. "You can't tell?"
"Tell what?" I ask.
"You both have been practically in love with her since sophomore year." He says.
"Haz? Really?" I question.
"Yeah. But she just seemed to take to you so he never felt confident enough to act on it." Sam explains.
How could I not have realized that all this time, Haz and I liked the same girl. Even better question is, how have neither of us caught on to the others feelings. Is it that obvious to everyone around us? Is it obvious to Chloe?
Haz comes over to the table, sitting down with his food as he pulls out his phone.
"What's up?" He asks us.
His phone dings almost instantly after he texted whoever it was back, and a smile grows on his face.
"Oh just talking about the crazy set up with bringing a girl into the house. It's a big secret to keep." Harry makes something up.
"Yeah, it'll be difficult." Haz nods, and his phone dings yet again. He types back quickly, and Sam lifts his brow.
"Who are you talking to?" He asks.
"It's just Chloe." Haz answers and I mentally roll my eyes. Now that I know, I see it. He's way too giddy about texting her. Why is she texting him anyways?
I pull out my phone, seeing the last text I sent to her was left on read. Great.
After lunch finishes, we walk down the hallway towards our next class and see a group of girls huddled around Chloe's locker. I get closer, seeing them taping a piece of paper on it with her picture saying 'rip'
"Gone, but never forgotten." The blonde mutters, taking a photo of the locker on her iPhone.
"She's not dead, what is wrong with you guys?" I say in disgust, gaining the attention of the group.
"I heard she got kidnapped and killed." One girl says.
"Well I heard she got drunk and drove her car off a bridge."
"Yeah I heard that one too-"
"Just stop." I laugh. "You guys don't even know her. You have never even spoken to her. Quit using her for attention."
I rip the paper off the locker, crumple it up, and throw it in the trash can.
"Go. Now." I say to them.
They walk away, giving me weird looks and I suddenly become aware that every single person in the hallway is looking at me.
"Let's go." I mutter to the guys, continuing to walk down the hall.
After a long day, I drive home and get a text from Haz that we have meetings all evening and my dad will be at one of them to observe how I'm doing. It stresses me out to have him here, but we will be in the other part of the house. As long as he doesn't come over to my wing and see that Chloe is living with me we will be fine. He's not nearly as involved as he use to be. He does a lot of work from his home, and I run the hands on stuff. I don't think I need to worry too much.
I pull up to the house, getting out of my car to go inside. As I walk through, I hear some noise in the kitchen, and hear some chatter. Making my way over, I see Chloe and my mum sitting at the island drinking tea together. Oh no.. this is bad. Really bad.
"Uhh- hi guys." I say nervously.
"Hey! Your mum came by and we've been chatting." Chloe smiles.
"Oh yeah? What about?" I question.
"Just been getting to know your friend, I didn't realize you two were so close." My mum says.
I've barely talked about Chloe to her, or anyone in this part of my life. I like to keep her separate from my family and the drama of my personal life, it's safer that way. That's all I want for Chloe. Her safety.
"Can't believe you've never introduced us. She's great!" Chloe exclaims and my mum smiles widely.
"You're a doll." She coos.
"I told Haz I'd go on a jog around the property with him, so I should go." Chloe stands from her seat, and I lift my brow at her.
"You don't jog." I state.
"Well... there's a first time for everything. Wish me luck. I'll need it." She laughs, and says goodbye to my mum before leaving the house.
I turn to my mum, waiting for her to scold me and tell me what a terrible idea this is. If she tells my dad, I'm done for. He will absolutely hate me for putting the family at risk.
"You know better than this, Tom." She states with disappointment.
"Mum, I promise you I had no choice. Her mum abandoned her, and her dad was beating her. She was in danger." I explain.
My mum stares at me, and for a moment she shows no sign of what she's thinking. At this point I'm just praying she doesn't tell dad.
"You were the only one who could help her?" She questions.
"Yes. I swear. Believe me mum I wouldn't do this if it wasn't important. She's no threat to us, she knows nothing."
"Well, she's a sweet girl. I'm glad you helped her out of that." She says. "I won't tell your dad, just make sure you keep her safe from those guys. They're no good."
"I'll make sure they know that if they touch her, I will kill them." I state simply. If Chloe could hear me talking right now, I could guarantee she'd run away and never look back. I'm not like her father, I'm worse.

A/N: oh my god did you guys see the first look vanity fair photos of cherry? Tom looks soooo good I'm so excited!

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