Chapter 10

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When the boys poofed into the club, they found themselves in a back hallway area or sorts.

"Willie do you know your way around this place?" Alex said while taking in his surroundings.  They were in the middle of a dimly lit hallway that had a few doors and turns at either end.

"I know it well enough, but I have no clue where Caleb would be keeping Julie.  We are going to have to search these rooms, without getting caught." Willie gestures to the first door, which he open and lead to a small supply closet.

"We should split up. That way we will be able to search faster, and it'll be harder to spot us if we are not in a big group." Luke suggested.  "Reggie and I will go this way," Luke gestured to the left, "Willie and Alex you guys go the other way."  The guys nodded.

"Just a heads up, but this hallway runs behind the stage so each end of the hallway will lead out to the stage area." Willie said.

"So be extra careful, and don't let anyone see you." Alex finished. The two pairs headed in opposite directions.

Luke and Reggie opened each door cautiously, and were again and again met with no sign of Julie.  As they reached the end of the hall they began to hear the music playing from Calebs performance.  That must have been why they hadn't run into anyone backstage.  Luke suddenly stopped as he heard a familiar voice amongst the music.

"Julie?" He looked to Reggie who wore the same confused expression.  Luke and Reggie began to creep forward to investigate when they heard Alex and Willie coming behind them.

"So you heard her too?" Alex said. The boys didn't reply and they all continued around the corner. They saw a crowd of lifers and ghosts cheering on the performers.  They snuck out so they were hidden behind a pillar along the side of the club.  Luke suddenly stopped as he heard her voice much clearer than before.  He looked to the stage to see Julie performing with Caleb.

"What-  What is she doing?" Reggie asked incredulously.  All of the boys took turns peaking around the pillar to see Julie.

"Guys something about this doesn't feel right." Luke said.

"Other than the fact that Julie is singing with the guy who tried to snap us out of existence?" Alex said sarcastically.

"Yeah, look at her eyes, she doesn't even look scared.  Her face is just blank, like there's no emotion at all."  Luke stared at Julies glazed over eyes.

"Caleb could be controlling her." Willie suggested.

"He did that to us, but this is different.  Then we just couldn't control our movements, and had to play. We still had our emotions, and had some ability to resist."  Luke replied.

"He might be not only controlling her body, but also her mind, if she put up enough fight, he may have resorted to that." Willie told the guys.

"How exactly are we supposed to get Julie then?" Reggie asked.  The boys all looked at one another for an answer.

"We could wait until he finishes performing, and then maybe he will have Julie backstage and we can get her alone." Alex suggested.  Just as he said that Caleb and Julie had wrapped up the song.

"Thank you ladies and gentlemen!" Caleb announced.  "Now I have one more surprise for the evening."  The boys glanced at each other worriedly.  "We have a few more guests joining us!  Luke, Alex, Reggie, Willie, will you please come out and join me on stage.  The boys expressions were all shocked, as they stepped out from behind the pillar.  "Excellent, now don't be shy, come join me on stage, I believe we have some bargaining to do."  Just as he said that he waved his hand and the entire audience disappeared. 

"How did you do that?" Reggie questioned.

"I guess you could say they were my own holograms of sort."  Caleb smirked at them.  He had tricked them, he knew they would come, and created this whole situation just to trap the boys again.  "Well boys let's have a little chat, shall we?"


Thanks for reading!

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