Chapter 5

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The boys poofed off the stage to the back of the gym, where they watched Julie soak up the applause.  "Nice job boys!" Luke congratulated them.

"Yah that performance was tight!" Reggies replied.  "Now can we please go over to those girls from dirty candy?"

"Reg, you know that they still can't hear or see us right?" Alex asked.

"I know, I'm okay if the conversations a bit one-sided." He said standing on his tip toes to look over at the girls.

"Can't we go after? I wanna go congratulate Julie." Luke said.

"Looks like Julies a little preoccupied at the moment." Alex gestured with his head over to where Julie was dancing with Nick.

"See Luke, Julie's busy right now, so let's go do my thing." Reggie gave Luke puppy eyes. "Please?"

"Okay fine,  let's go."  But as they walked over to the girls his eyes kept drifting off to Julie, there was something he didn't like about that Nick character.

"Ladies, allow me to introduce myself..." Reggie started talking to the girls, with very obviously no response.  Luke glanced back over at Julie and saw that Nick and her were walking out the door.  But what really concerned Luke, was the look on her face, she looked terrified.

"Guys, we got to go follow Julie."

"Luke I get that your jealous, but we have to respect her boundaries." Alex said while watching Reggies failed attempts at communication.

"No Alex something is really wrong, you have to trust me on this one."  There was something about the look in Luke's eyes that made Alex worried.

"Ok yeah, Reg, we have to go man."

"Aww, I was just about to break the news about the whole death thing to them." Reggie complained.  Alex shook his head, and followed Luke through the gym to where Julie had exited.

"So Luke why is it so important that we follow Julie?" Alex questioned.

"When she was leaving I saw her face, and guys she look terrified.  They must have gone down this hall, the other one just leads to the washrooms." He turned down the hall that was empty, and not very well lit, considering there were still people in the school.

They began to hear voices around the corner of a hall.  Luke held out a hand to indicate the guys should slow down as they approached the corner.  He was the first to peek around the corner, and he saw Julies back facing him, along with Nick.  But almost right away a bright light blinded Luke and the guys.  As soon as they regained their vision, they saw him, the man who had tried to destroy their souls. Caleb.

"JULIE!" Luke screamed, and the boys started to run toward her, when both Caleb and Julie vanished.  "No, no, no, guys we need to go find her!"

"Well there's only one place she could be..." Alex said and without another thought the boys poofed to the Hollywood Ghost Club.  The sight they were met with was not what they had been expecting.  It was completely empty, as though it had just been abandoned.


Sorry this chapter was kind of a filler, so you could see what happened with the guys.  But another cliff hanger, sorry not sorry😂

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