Chapter 22: Journey Continues

Start from the beginning

"Well, it's more easier than I have expected." Xavi said from the top.

Soon, everyone was on the top of the hill.

"So, where are we going next?" Gerard asked.

"There are two paths: One was covered with ivy, the other one was covered with bushes." Fernando replied.

"Eeek spikes, I would rather go on the path with bushes." Cesc said.

"Yeah, it seems to be safer, but I remember King Skull had mentioned the word 'spikes' before so we should walk along on the ivy path." Iker pointed at the ivy path.

"Alright Capi, you lead the way..." Cesc sighed.


The ivy path ended with a plateau blocking their way.

"Oh crap, we must have walked into the wrong way!" Gerard grumbled.

"I told you to go to the bushy path but you guys just won't listen!" Cesc scoffed.

There were only trees and bushes surrounding and there's no way back, they wouldn't want to return to encounter those annoying ivy.

"King Skull mentioned that we have to climb a hill after walking along the spiky road." Ignoring Cesc, Andres scratched his bald head, "If 'spiky road' means the ivy road, then the 'hill' must be this plateau."

"And the Secret cave must be on the plateau!" Xavi realized something important.

"So how can we climb it? It's not even rocky enough for us to hold on, and it's like ten times taller than the mountain wall!"

Fernando frowned, looking at the plateau, and then added. "Also, we can't use bare hands to climb it anymore. It's too steep!"

"But we don't have any equipment!" Cesc exclaimed. "Don't you remember that we only have food, clothes, water, small knives and nothing more?"

"Does anyone have any ideas?" asked Iker, trying to lead his teammates to think more.

"Um... We can tie the clothes together to make a rope..." Sergio suggested.

"Are you crazy!?" Xavi snapped, "Firstly the clothes may loosen. Secondly, how can tie the clothes up there?"

"Err... There's a tree up there, we can tie our clothes around it."
"If you want to tie it onto the tree, you must get up first. But now, the problem is that we couldn't even go up!"

"But there's nothing else for us to choose!"

"Knives?" Cesc suggested, "Take two of them and thirst them into the soil of the plateau, then lift ourselves up and climb until we reached the peak."

"The plateau is made of rocks, it isn't soft enough to be thirsted in, the gaps between the rocks are too small as well." Gerard sighed.

"So clothes are the only way," Sergio grinned triumphantly.
"It's not even a solution! It's illogical and nonsense and there's no way I would climb up that high only grabbing on a bunch of clothes!" Andres scoffed.

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