Chapter 12: The Yurc Fruit

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Chapter 12

[Day 2]

"I wonder where Olalla is." Fernando said. Olalla was gone for 10 mins and he was afraid that she was lost in the forest. "I'm worried about her."

A few seconds later, bushes began to move and there popped out a mankind.

"Olalla! You're back!"

However it wasn't Olalla.

It was Andres instead.

"I've found Anna!" he exclaimed, "I've found Anna!"

"You mean your wife?" Xavi stared in awe at his best friend.

"Yes of course!" Andres rolled his eyes. "I don't know anyone called Anna except my wife."

He then squeezed something into Xavi's palm.

"Try this. It's scrumptious."

"Eww!" Xavi said in disgust. "What's that? Alien bird poo?"

"It's a fruit, Xavi." Andres rolled his eyes again. "Anna gave it to me."

"I absolutely NEVER eat this."


"Hey guys!" Silva suddenly jumped out between them, and realised that he was being impolite. "Sorry to interrupt..."

"It's ok." Andres replied, "want some?"

Silva took the fruit from Andres' hand.

"It looks...poisonous..."

"I doubt that." said Andres shaking his head. "It is simply perfect, despite of its look. Don't judge a book by its cover."



~A few minutes later~

Andres and Silva appeared in the group with pale dry face, eyes popped out, and tongue stuck out.

Fernando was panicking where Olalla went before everyone gasped in shock with jaws wide opened at the Andres and Silva.

"I feel sick seeing two idiot-looking teammates." Iker gulped. "What have you two done?"

"Oh dear Silva..." Villa was shocked at Silva's appearance. "Look at your face!"

"What? What's the problem with me?" Silva asked innocently and inarticulately. "What's the problem with my face?"

He and Andres looked at each other, and found out that they looked horrible.

"Have you eaten something wrong? Or being bitten by something?" Xabi asked.

"We've eaten a fruit." Andres replied honestly. "Anna gave it to me."

"I have to call King Skull for help. Wait." Gerard said as he pulled out his handheld receiver.

"King Skull?"

"Yes Gerard. Is there anything I can help?" King Skull was trying to act friendly.

"Two teammates has eaten strange fruit which is green and red with black dots and got food poisoned. They are now as pale as snow and as dry and desert. Their eyes popping out and tongue sticking out."

"They must have eaten the Yurc fruit."

"The YUCK Fruit? Yuck!"

"It's Yurc Fruit. Yurc Fruit grows in forests in Ietania. It can suck creatures' soul up."

"Suck your soul up? Holy..."

"And turns you to a zombie."

"Crap! How can we cure them?"

"Ask the Witch of Ietania to give you potion. There are some wooden houses around your place and inside there will be witches."

"Witches? Seriously? Where do you think we are at now? THE FANTASY WORLD OF DISNEY MOVIES FOR BABIES?"

"I'm serious, Gerard."

"This whole thing is bulls***."

"Find the witch before it is too late." King Skull ordered. "There are only 50% of the chance to survive..."

After King Skull hung up, he dialled to the Snake Fairy.

"Good job, Shabaka." Skull snickered. "Kill him..."

A/N: I can't wait to watch El Clásico this Saturday. Guess which team will win?

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