Chapter 30: Threatened

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Chapter 31

A/N: I'm starting to run out of chapters that were written a year ago...(aka I haven't written a new chapter for a year) This is the third last one.

[Day 8]

It was another morning. The Spaniards were safe and sound inside Christine's house, or were they?

"Do you like your breakfast?" The Claudonese asked.

"I LOVE IT!" Sergio squealed, "The breakfast is as tasty as you look."

"I'll wash the dishes."

"No thanks, miss," Iker replied, "We can go wash our own dishes by ourselves. After we finished cleaning up, we'll continue our journey,"

"Capi betrayed me!" Cesc moaned, crossing his arms in front of his chest, "I don't want to wash dishy!"

"Be responsible," Iker told Cesc, picking up his plate, "I'll wash all of yours this time. Next time you're not going to escape."


"You don't have to do this," Christine told the captain, "Besides, we use H2O and C3H5OH3 for cleaning so I'm not sure if you know how to use these."

"We use these as well on Earth, so I'll do it."

"Wait, are you going to wash by your own?" Sergio asked abruptly, "If Christy is going to help, I'll help too."

"Yeah, I can help," Christine suggested.

"I can do it myself," Iker was still stubborn at this aspect, "You two can play with the boys."

"Well then, thanks," Christine grabbed Sergio's hand and led him into the living room, while leaving the keeper inside the kitchen for cleaning up. Sergio blushed as he looked down to his hand. We're holding hands! Told you that hot guys win all girls!


"I thought it's already banned," Fernando said.

"Just don't tell Capi about this," Cesc snickered, "But if you don't wanna play truth or dare, we can pick another game. What's your favourite game?"

"Football," the other Spaniards replied.

"YAY FOOTBALL!" Cesc applauded, "But where do we get a ball?"

"I have a ball," Christine grinned, "I'll get it for you."

"Are we sure we can play footie here inside the house?" Gerard asked, frowning. He was afraid that they might break something when they were playing.

"Yeah sure," Christine said, bringing a ball in front of the gang, "Match start!"

"Wait, we still haven't form two teams yet. And we still haven't decide which is the goal," Fernando reminded. However, no one heard him. Cesc kicked the ball up as a clearance, the ball flew straight upon Sergio's head. Sergio leaped and attempted to score a header. The ball shot straight under the table.

"GOALALALALALLALALALALALAL!" Sergio screamed, "92:48!!! Hala Madrid!!!"

"So we're against each other?" Fernando questioned, looking disappointed, "We still haven't form two teams yet."

"Real Madrid vs Atlético Madrid?"

"Atlético Madrid vs Barcelona?"

"El Clásico?"

"Earth vs Claudon?"

"Definitely not the last one," Sergio stated, "I have to be with the same team with my girl."

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