Chapter 2

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It had been close to a week since my brother had dragged me into the old house, and things haven't exactly been normal. Things keep getting miss placed, like I set down my phone on my night stand wake up in the morning and its in the bathroom. Random dark red droplets appear on the floor every once in a while. And most of all, the hoodie moves. It'll be in my closet hung up, then tossed on my bed or floor, it was even in the kitchen once! Remus swears it isn't him, but who else could be doing it? My parents are always off on a business trip so its impossible for them to be behind it.

Then there's the photos, at the moment they're pinned up on my wall but occasionally I'll find one on the floor, pin still stuck in the wall yet in a different position. It confusing, and slightly terrifying. There's dates on the back of them too.

The first photo, the one where the boy is closer to my age standing with his parents. Dated 2005 July 14th. I was just born that year, and the kid looks fifteen or sixteen in the photo.

The second photo, just the boy, yet he's a kid closer to eight years of age I think. Dated December 2nd 1997.

And the last photo, the blonde boy and the logical looking boy, yet its missing the emo. Dated 2005 July 4th, independence day.

What happened to this boy, what happened to his family, what happened to his friends? The thoughts rang in my mind as Remus yelled at me from downstairs.

"Dipshit were gonna miss the bus let's go!" His voice echoed in the empty house as I rolled my eyes, we're always early we live a block away from the school. I stood up reaching for my phone on the desk yet my hand just grasped air. Goddammit, I don't have enough time to look for it now. I groaned annoyedly before racing down the stairs catching Remus just as he left the house.

"Can't you at least wait till I get my jacket on?" I hissed jogging to catch up with him. "Unfortunately I can not," he paused looking me up and down. "Why do you never wear the jacket I grabbed you?" His voice was honest with pure wonder at why I didn't, a shiver ran down my spine as I shrugged.

"Doesn't fit my aesthetic," I whispered a complete lie. I loved the jacket, I didn't wear it because of the forbidding feeling it seemed to emit. "Well wear it, I didn't almost get my fingers chopped off for nothing." He laughed as I nervously joined in, we don't talk about that night unless its about the jacket.

Not to mention that Janus went back there only to find the house completely collasped in on itself. It just doesn't make sense, it was sturdy when Remus and I were in it what would've made it collasped so soon?

I shook my head, it doesn't matter I just want to figure out who those people are in the photos. The house is close enough to our school that he could've gone to my school, but its a big chance but it doesn't hurt to try.

"Re, I gotta study in the library after school so I won't be home till later." I voiced as Remus rolled his eyes. "Not like you were gonna help out with supper anyhow." He muttered before dashing off to meet up with Janus. Granted I felt bad, but I'm the only one who cleans. Its a split deal, he cooks and I clean.

I shook my head sighing loudly, before dashing off towards my own class.


I tapped the desk top as I waited for the librarian, they were hiring an intern because our current librarian was growing old and couldn't handle it by herself anymore. She appeared huffing annoyedly as she brushed her sliver hair out of her face. "What do you need." Her voice was bitter and rough, probably from smoking but I didn't say anything about it.

"The schools year books from 2003 to 2009." I voiced softly as she grumbled yet headed off to an abandoned part of the library. I wanted to start with a wide range, and at the moment 2003 to 2009 looked like a good start. We know he was at least here in 2005, and going to a school I just don't know if it was this school.

A loud thudd sounded on the table as I jumped causing a laugh from the librarian. "There ya go, the schools year books from 2003 of the way to 2009. Good luck kid." Dust was floating in the air as I chuckled a small thanks. Peeling open the first book.

Class of 2009-2010, I immediately flipped to the back, zoning in on the hundreds of kids faces. Nothing. Okay so maybe they graduated, next book.

Class of 2008-2009, I again flipped to the back, zoning in on the faces. Nothing.

Class of 2007-2008, straight to the back. Again nothing.

Class of 2006-2007, I did the same with the first three, going straight to the back when I froze. The logical boy with black framed glasses. My eyes snapped down to his name, Logan Adam's, he was a senior. A stupid smile graced my face as the blonde boy popped up next. Patton Mellow, also a senior. Excitement grew inside of me as I searched for the emo boy, yet he wasn't there. I groaned reaching for the next book.

Class of 2005-2006 memorial on last page. That's weird, I pushed it to the back of my brain as I flipped to the back. Logan and Patton, the newly identified boys popped up easily, along with the emo boy. Virgil Daliha sitting inbetween the pages that separated them. Why wasn't he in the 2006-2007 yearbook as a senior? Did he transfer? No, that doesn't make sense. I shook it off, grabbing the 2005-2006 book as I stacked it on the 2006-2007 yearbook.

I plopped them down on the librarians desk, "I would like to check out these books." I stated as she rolled her eyes. "Fascinating choices." She remarked dryly, yet she seemed saddened at the dates of the year books. The machine beeped as she passed the books back towards me, I thanked her again before shoving them into my bag and heading home.

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