Snow (Portia x ftm reader)

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The Arcana
Giggles could be heard outside in the courtyard by the staff, who were inside working with extreme effort to clean the castle. Nadia had planned a feast with all her friends and family, who have traveled far and wide, to celebrate the upcoming winter. Nothing brought people together more than food, all perfectly made and delicious.
The ground, despite winter offically being two weeks away, was already covered in a thick blanket of white. The cold nipped at the noses of the two adults outside; their cheeks were red and their bodies covered in layers of clothing.
Y/n ducked quick as a snowball came flying towards him. The short, curvy, redheaded girl, not to far from Y/n, hiding behind a bush, laughed and stuck her tongue out. "You can't get me, Y/n!" She shouted and quickly ran to another hiding spot.
Y/n, chuckling back, ran after her, eventually catching her by wrapping his arms around her waist and tackling her into the snow.
Now laying on the ground, both sideways looked at each other for a moment before cracking up and laughing. They stayed laid out in the snow until their giggling calmed into deep breaths that caused the air to fog.
Y/n was the first to get up, wiping the snow off him before offering his hand to the youngest Devorak. Portia gratefully took it; letting y/n pull her up.
They both smiled at each other for a silent moment. Portia inched her face closer to Y/n, who was looking at her with a goofy grin. Portia reach up, standing on her tippy toes and connected their lips together for a soft, quick kiss. She pulled back, her arms wrapped around his neck and a warm smile on her face. They both swayed for a second, taking in the peaceful, romantic moment...
It didn't last long.
Her expression quickly changed as a snow ball collided with the back of her head. Y/n glanced behind his girlfriend and a chuckle broke out.
Portia, knowing exactly who it was, quickly whipped around. Her hair looked like it was standing up from the ice cold touch of the snowball. Her hands were on her hips faster than Y/n had ever seen them go. "Do you really wanna start a war?" She glared at the two, who were watching us with snowballs in their hands.
One was tall and lengthy with dark red hair. His eyes held a mischievous glare as he smiled at the two of us. "Well, someone needed to break up the game of tonsil hockey." He joked, throwing another snowball, but missing terribly.
The second was white haired and had a matching glare that said they were up to no good. They were most definitely the one who threw the first ball. Asra tilted their head and smiled. "As much as I'd love to, Nadi asked us to come out and find you two. Her family has arrived."
Portia and y/n both nodded, following them in. Not before wiping themselves down so any snow on them wouldn't make its way into the castle.
The castle was warm. Not a hot, muggy warm but a nice, cozy, fire in the chimney, warm. Y/n could melt into a happy puddle as the hot feeling touched his ice cold face. Portia sighed happily as she entered.
Nadia was there to welcome them, her family not far behind her.

The night was full of laughter, good food, and friends. Portia, Julian, and Nadia sang songs and everyone sat cozy by the fire in the fireplace. Long after the sun went down, Nadia and her family turned in, followed soon after them, Asra and Julian.
Eventually, the only two in the room, Portia and Y/n, were cuddling on a chair that was way too small for two people. They both giggled as they went back and forth telling jokes.
Y/n sighed and smiled at Portia, who smiled widely back. "What?" Y/n asked, as Portia got a mischievous look in her eyes. Portia leaned forward, lift her arm above the both of them.
Y/n looked up. He felt his face flush red and burn as he saw what she was holding.
Mistletoe hung above their head, a smug look on Portia's face. Y/n shook their head, giggling.
"You're so goofy." Y/n whispered, leaning in to place a kiss on her lips.

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