Close Call (Remus Lupin : Harry Potter)

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Harry Potter
Hogwarts House Not Mentioned
Warnings : You almost die, Full moon Remus,
Request: Remus Lupin x reader (Maybe reader comforting him after a full moon or something)
Extra info: Y/n = your name, N/n = nickname, L/n = last name

A shiver ran up my spine as a loud howl echoed from the dark forest, a couple yards from the cabin.
It was a beautiful fall night. The sky was clear and the wind was a nice, cool breeze. It was my ideal kinda setting, to cuddle with my significant other and read with him.
Instead, I was locked inside for the remainder of the night, unable to sleep, knowing Remus was outside. He had left around noon, determined to get as far from the house, we owned together, as possible.
It was a full moon tonight; the shine of it covering the land outside the window.
The mug I was holding was warm against my hands, the coffee providing heat; my eyes flickered to any movement outside the kitchen window. It was a little past five in the morning; the sun would be rising soon. Remus always made sure I slept the day before the full moon. We both decided it was best if I spent the night awake, since Remus didn't trust himself to stay far away when he shifted. It had always been a fear of his. That he'd make his way back to me and harm me in anyway when he was in his wolf-like state.
My eye's shot to movement in the tree's, when a few branches roughly shook. Two shining eye's stared back at me as I felt my body tense. Panic flooded my being as I backed away. Remus's words flooded through my head as I backed out of the kitchen slowly, the wolf-human hybrid slowly inching forward, out of the brush, it's teeth showing in a growl. As I reached the door, I booked it up the stairs, toward our room.
"If I am to ever come here, darling, I want you to go to our room and lock the door. Hide in the back of the closet. Do not try to run out of the house. I am faster in that form than you," Remus's voice played on repeat in my head.
I got to the room, just as I heard the breaking of glass. I heard the crunch of the glass from the window, signalling that it was in the house. I closed the door to our room as quietly as I could, trying not to attract it's attention. I locked it quick and backed away as I heard loud footsteps downstairs. I heard crashes and thumps as it made its way through the house.
Glancing around, I saw the closet door, quickly making my way over it. Opening and shutting the door, I made sure to lock it from the inside.
Shuffling through Remus's work clothes, I got as far back as I could and cowarded down in the corner; my breath never slowing from the panicked gasps.
I knew it was only a matter of time before it caught my scent and came upstairs. I also knew the door to our room wouldn't hold it for very long and neither would the closet door.
Tears flooded my eyes as I shivered in fear, just wanting my husband back. Wanting him here to tell me everything was alright.
It was silent, as I hugged my knees, listening for movement in the house. It sounded like it was getting closer, the familiar squeak of the stairs alerting me that it was coming upstairs. My heart beat quickened even though I didn't think it could get any faster.
The sound of it sniffing around got louder and louder until I heard a loud huff come from in front of the bedroom.
It caught my scent.
I'm fucked, I thought.
Scratching, thumps, and more huffs could be heard as it tried to get in and became more aggressive as the creature got frustrated.
I squeaked as I heard a loud bang and crash in the bedroom.
It was in.
Only one door now separated me from it.
My body shivered more and I tried to back futher into the closet. Tears were streaming down my face as the sniffing continued, slowly coming closer.
I screamed as claws suddenly impaled the door, ripping some of the wood away. I could see the creature clearly now. It was tall, it's dog like jaw was covered in saliva, and it's eyes were wild. The creature grabbed the door again and ripped a larger chunk out of it. Growls filled my ears.
I closed my eyes and shivered in the corner, too scared to look at the creature anymore. Death was at my closet door, ready to take me away from the world I loved and the people I loved. Tears streamed down my face as small cries left my lips.
I was in my own bubble, waiting for death to grip me tight and disappear with me forever, but it never happened. I didn't know it, too busy having a panic attack, but it had quieted down.

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