Unfortunate Timing (Steve Rogers : Marvel)

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Prompt/request : For your trans ftm reader one shot could you do a Steve Rogers x ftm reader where Steve finds out that the readers trans by accidentally walking into the readers room, but Steve is very supportive and confused but the reader helps him understand
Extra info: Y/n = your name

Ending up in a hotel room while waiting for the next plan for the mission wasn't how I planned on spending the night. Looking around, I took in the decor. It looked like every other bland hotel room in the country. White walls, an ugly painting next to the door, a small television that only has two channels on it that was sitting right in front of the bed. I sighed and rolled onto my back on the mattress, looking at the ceiling.
Steve had his own room and was right next door watching television, from the sound of it. The soft hum of the news could be heard through the wall.
All of the sudden, the feeling of mild pain washed over me. My back and shoulders ached and it wasn't hard to figure out why. I groaned out loud and shifted my back, trying to ease the feeling. When that didn't help with the ache, I stood up and grabbed at the end of my shirt. I went to lift it up over my head and just as the cloth covered my eyes, I heard the door open and a loud voice announcing it's arrival.
"Hey, Y/n! I got some food! I figured you'd be hungry." the voice stated. I could hear the door shut behind him while he was talking.
I instantly flung the shirt the rest of the way off, surprised by the intruder.
My eyes met the tall blond man who was setting the fast food on the side table. The shock quickly faded as the familiar man grabbed a burger out of one of the bags he brought in.
Steve stood up straight and glanced my way. Confusion crossed his facial features as he looked down at my binder.
I followed his eyes and then looked back up at him. "It's my binder," I stated as I walked over to grab one of the burgers from the fast food bag. "Thank you, by the way." I jumped on the bed, bouncing as I landed. I unwrapped part of the burger and took a bite.
"A binder? What is it for?" He asked as he sat on one of the chairs next to the table. Steve then, seeming to remember something he forgot, pointed at the second bag he put on the table. "I got fries as well, if you want them. They're in that bag."
I nodded in acknowledgement, but then pointed at my binder. "It's to keep the dogs at bay, you know? It can be uncomfortable, especially if I wear it for too long. I was about to put on a hoodie before you came in, but I'm gonna eat first. It's a literal fucking nightmare to be trans." I sighed as I took another bite of my burger.
Steve's eyebrows furrowed, showing even more confusion. "Trans?"
"Yeah. I'm transgender."
Steve didn't reply, but he looked so oblivious to what I was talking about. Realization dawned on me.
"You don't know what that is?" I asked and watched as Steve shook his head. I was silent for a second, trying to figure out a way to explain it to him.
I was confident and proud of who I was, but still a wave of fear that he'd think of me different. I took a deep breath.
"So some people are born in the wrong body. My brain tells me male, but my body tries to argue. I take hormones to try to become what I am inside." I went into a little more detail and Steve listened closely. He nodded, acknowledging that he understood. When I was finished explaining, he sat in silence for a second. Steven was deep in thought, wrapping his mind around it.
"That sounds rough." I nodded, smiling softly at him. He grinned back and took another bite. "I'm glad you told me. Thank you. I apologize if I've ever been disrespectful."
I laughed. "Trust me. You haven't."
Steven slouched in relief.
Steve and I spent the night talking and telling stories until around 10 pm.
Steven got up from the chair, stretching and groaning. He glanced at me with a soft smile. "Okay. I better head to my room. We both will need sleep for tomorrow."
I agreed and got up to help clean the table up. He gathered the wrappers into the bag and I threw them in the tiny hotel trash can.
Steve move towards the door, turning back to give me a side hug.
"I'll see you tomorrow. Thank you again, y/n." He squeezed me a little tighter and then stepped back to open the door. "Just to let you know, you are my friend and I support you no matter what." I smiled and thanked him.
Steve left the room with a little wave and a soft goodnight.

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