A Millenia of Explanations

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3rd Person POV
Mikaelson Compound - New Orleans
The Next Day
The twins had returned during the middle of the night. However, due to the fact that they didn't really need sleep to function, they still managed to get up before their siblings to train.

A/n: Laurel as Rebekah and Sara as Kol - including their conversation about time travel.

"I heard the twins come in around 1am." Elijah said
"Yes, but Joshua text me to say they left the bar at 9pm, so where were they in between then?" Klaus countered

Everyone congregated at the dining table in the courtyard for breakfast as the Mikaelsons introduced the Ragnarsons to a New Orleans staple, beignets. "I don't think I've ever tasted something so sweet!" Hvitserk exclaimed. "Yes, the ingredients come from a part of the world that had not been discovered in your time." Elijah explained.
"So what did we miss last night? Did you manage to come up with a plan?" Rebekah asked the group. "Nothing concrete - we need to find a spell to send them back - speaking of which, Kol! Surely you've looked into time travel before? Please tell me you have some kind of dark object relating to it?" Freya asked.
"Not really - I knew a group of witches who were looking into it in the 1400s but they were only looking to go back a couple of minutes, you know like a 'I shouldn't have said that' situation. I didn't think it was actually possible."
"Urgh! Emm... what about sedir magic? Do you have anything on that?" She asked him. Kol thought about it for a few moments "Yees, I should have - but it won't be here in New Orleans, I'll need to go get it."
"Ok do that. If we combine that with Mother and Dahlia's grimoires, we might be able to figure it out." Freya instructed and Kol left.
"What about in the meantime?" Rebekah questioned. "I suppose we'll have to teach the sons of Ragnar the new ways of the world." Elijah stated and Rebekah laughed, turning to the trio, she stated "Well lucky for you lot, everyone in this family has plenty of experience in waking up to find the world has drastically changed." and the rest of the family nodded as they realised she was right.
"So what should we start with?" Rebekah asked. "I'm thinking clothes." She continued. "Uh... as the one of us who spent 900 years in a box, I think it would be more beneficial to explain plumbing and electricity first." Finn stated.
"I'm quite curious to see how fighting techniques have changed over the past 1200 years. In a scene the Seer showed us they looked very different." Ivar added.
Rebekah thought about it for a moment "Oh that will be fun! However, we shall wait for Kol to come back before we go over that; otherwise he will be quite cross with me, considering we did learn and invent a lot of new methods together."
"And just where did he go?" Klaus interrupted. "I don't know." Rebekah stated innocently as she lied through her teeth "It's his hobby - not mine. All the times he's investigated different forms of magic, have been times when you refused to let me leave your side!" Rebekah growled back and as Klaus was about to retort, Elijah stood up "Enough! What's done is done; let's just move on instead of rehashing old wounds, especially in front of guests. Now back to our original point, we will explain the fundamental changes first then as an example of how electricity and technology work, Rebekah, you can order the Lothbroks clothes online."

Around 4 hours later, Kol returned with scrolls about sedir magic and some of their spells. As Freya briefly looked them over she stated in complete focus "Good this should help." as she kissed Kol's cheek in thanks and went off to begin her research with Esther and Dahlia.
Kol approached the rest of his family who were explaining how the 21st century worked to the Ragnarson brothers, in the compound's living room. "Ah Kol you're back, good! We were promised an explanation of how fighting styles have changed over the centuries when you returned." Ivar exclaimed and Rebekah giggled "I thought it was better for us to do it together." Kol nodded and stated "Well it's always better with examples let's move to the gym." As they were walking downstairs, Rebekah telepathically filled Kol in on her spat with Niklaus and the fact that he was clearly suspicions of them.

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