"I thought I told you to look at me," I said.

"Sorry,  daddy," she whispered, once again making eye contact. Her calling me  that caught me off guard but at the same time turned me on. There's  something so wrong with it that it gives me a kinky, illicit thrill, the  taboo I suppose.

I took my right hand and pulled her up by the  neck under her chin so that we were both on our knees, my chest against  her back. My hands ran along the soft skin of her waist and breasts. I  leaned in and started kissing her passionately along her neck, making my  way down to her shoulder blades. Vivian was moaning uncontrollably as I  grinded in and out of her. We were both close to the edge, our  breathing and movements increasing in intensity. I reached down to  stroke her clit. Within a few she was thrashing about and coming with me  right behind her.

When we were finished we laid there for a while  before disappearing in the bathroom. Water ran for a few minutes, not  long enough for a shower so I assume she was just doing a quick clean  up. She came back out carrying a washcloth and went to work on my thighs  and stomach, taking care of me. This was new and fell in line with the  way she'd been acting over the weekend.

After that, she snuggled  into me and nuzzled my neck, taking a deep inhale, sighing in  contentment. She also seemed clingy in this moment, so I gave her what  she needed, and held her. Her body was warm and silky against mine, her  breasts pushed into my side as we clung together like magnets.

No  feelings, we both agreed on that but I did like Vivian. That much should  be obvious especially if I was taking the risk of having an affair with  her. There was a hypnotic attraction. Something neither of us could  resist. Something I don't think either of us wanted to resist.  This couldn't last forever though. I'm sure she was aware of this fact.  Eventually one of us was going to have to be smart enough to end it.  Until then, I was enjoying living in the moment.

The next morning  after we had one last round and showered, I watched Vivian put on red  lipgloss in the bathroom mirror. Out of nowhere she hissed, grabbing her  stomach.

"What is it?" I ask.

"That time of the month is  almost here it seems," she replied. I guess that would explain her  behavior. Galina gets moody right before as well.

"Meanwhile I'm trying to do calculations in my head to see if it'll be gone by Friday when I see you again," I said.

"Yeah,  the birth control I'm on makes it shorter and lighter. Sometimes it  doesn't come at all but when it does, 3 days max. It's Monday so we'll  be good to go if it comes by Tuesday. But even if it's still there, you  know I have no issue putting this to use," she stuck her tongue  out for emphasis. "Anyway, my flight is before yours and you know we  can't ride together because fans may be at the airport. The last thing  we need is one of them saying they saw us arrive there together and it  gets back to Mrs. Anoai. My Uber is on the way."

"I'm getting ready to leave too," I follow her out of the bathroom, turning the light off behind me.

"I'll see you Friday," she hugged me, waving as she walked toward the door.

I  gathered my bags, making sure I had everything. From what I could tell I  did. As I walked to the door, my bladder felt full, likely from the  large glass of orange juice I drank when we ordered breakfast from room  service. It wasn't urgent yet but I'd rather go ahead and do it here  than at the airport or plane.

I relieved myself and then moved to  the sink to wash my hands. As I did, I noticed something that made me  gasp. A red lip print on my neck. Snatching some tissue, I quickly  damped it with water to wipe it off. Vivian had just put it on and it  was wet so it must've accidentally transferred when she hugged me.

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