Yudhister stood in silence.

Karn rushed into the palace. Yudhister walked back to where everyone were standing still recovering from the smoke inhalation.

"He went inside didn't he?", Duryodhan asked.

"Yes after threatening to put an arrow to our legs if we follow him", Yudhister said.

"That's so him", Duryodhan sighed sadly and they waited.


Minutes passed. There was no sign of either of them. The squad waiting outside was getting impatient.

"Alright I am going in", Bheem said.

"Don't you dare do it", Duryodhan warned.

"What? How can you be so cool? What if they are injured? Don't you care about your friend?", Bheem yelled.

"If there is one thing I know about my friend it is that he doesnot break his word. If he set his sights on bringing Arjun back then he will. And I trust him. So yeah, I can handle him being in the fire and I can put some faith on him rather than him yelling at me for defying his direct order and letting you run in. So yes! Prince Bheem, you are not taking one more step towards that palace", Duryodhan said.

"Since when do you follow orders?", Bheem sulked.

"If the order is from ANGARAJ KARN, I follow them blindly", Duryodhan said.

The palace chose that moment to collapse completely. Duryodhan's heart shattered into a million pieces. 'Did I make the wrong call?', he thought. Kunti's cry intensified and the Pandav brothers grew pale.


Time seemed to start ticking again when they saw some movement in the entrance.

"Is that?", Sahadev started.

They saw a figure through the smoke. Karn walked towards them with a coughing Arjun in one hand and all of the Pandav's weapons in the other. Arjun was limping badly. The brothers rushed towards them to help.

"Where the hell did you disappear to? I thought you were right behind me", Nakul asked.

"I went to get our weapons", Arjun wheezed.

"You what?", Yudhister yelled and slapped him right on his cheeks, "Are you crazy? You would have died in there", Yudhister lost his cool.

"Hey hey hey hey- Come on! Give him some space. I found him pinned under a pillar. Cut him some slack", Karn said standing between Yudhister and Arjun.

"I am so sorry! I just couldn't leave them behind", Arjun said.

"You fool! I thought you were dead for a second", Yudhister said.

"But I am not- thanks to him", Arjun said pointing towards Karn.

"Come on", Yudhister hugged Arjun.

"I thought I lost you! Don't ever do that again", he said and let out a silent sob.

"I am sorry I scared you", Arjun said.

Karn moved away giving them some space.

"You scared me mithr", Duryodhan said giving Karn a hug.

"I am surprised you didn't come after me", Karn said smirking.

"Well I thought about it. But then everyone here were freaking out including Yudhister. So someone had to stay back and hold the ground", Duryodhan said, "And also, I trust you"

"Good. Now take them back with you and make sure Arjun gets that leg looked up", Karn said.

"Wait- where are you going?"

"Well I have a small errand to run. Will be back soon"

"Care to share what the errand is?"

"You trust me right? I want you to hold on to that for a little longer", Karn said.

"Fine just get back in one piece", Duryodhan said and they parted ways.


NOTE: That's chapter 28!! Woow!! That was an immense rescue. Yaayyy everybody are safe. So what is the errand that Karn had to run? Stay tuned to find out more!! Feel free to comment your thoughts and don't forget to vote. 

Thank you for your support guys. I am really sorry for not being regular with the updates in the past few weeks. But I am trying!!

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