8. Divide the work, Together we work

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The Pandavs minus Bheem were gathered in the palace gardens.

"He asked us to come here. Where the hell is he?", Arjun was getting impatient.

"Calm down Arjun", Yudhister said.

"Bhrata Arjun! You like Angaraj that much huh?", Nakul teased, "Can't wait to see him?", He asked and ran away.

"Nakul!", Arjun scolded, "Come here"

"No! You will hit me"

"No I wont"

"Yes You will"

"Arey come here". They were running around. Karn saw them smiling and felt an unfamiliar feeling of care.

"Hey kids!", he called out, "If you stop bickering, can we get to business?", he asked.

"Yes Angaraj", Nakul said, "In fact Bhrata Arjun is very eager to work with y-"

"Shut up Nakul", Arjun interrupted.

Karn smiled at Arjun who had his tough guy mask on unlike the one he had few minutes ago. Karn looked around and realized two people were missing. "Where are Bheem and Duryodhan?", he asked.

"Bhrata Bheem went to fetch Duryodhan", Sahadev said, "They should be here by now"

"Yeah Yeah here we are", Bheem announced his arrival with Duryodhan tagging along. Karn couldn't help feeling happy when he saw Bheem and Duryodhan walking together. Bheem looked at Karn and slightly nodded his head as if he understood Karn's thoughts.

"What took you so long?", Karn asked.

"Ask your friend here Angaraj", Bheem said.

"Ok wait a sec- How is that my fault?", Duryodhan asked facing Bheem.

"You were the one who wanted to catch that little girl's hen", Bheem said.

"I said, I was thinking about helping her. You were the one who made it a challenge", Duryodhan argued.

"You accepted", Bheem argued back.

"How do you even manage him?", Karn and Yudhister asked each other at the same time about Bheem and Duryodhan respectively.

(Ek maa ki santane/ Oru thayin puthirare bgm rolls)

"Ok ENOUGH", Karn raised his voice. They stopped bickering. "Come here let's get to business", he said.

"Bossy!", Arjun sulked and earned an elbow from Yudhister.

"Yes, Go ahead Mithr", Duryodhan said.

"Ok, for the upcoming Royal Feast, I've decided to appoint you guys with various jobs. We have a welcome committee, food department, Guest Chamber arrangements, Palace decorations, Gifts department and Entertainment Overview. So who wants to do what?", Karn left the choice open to them.

"Bheem should take care of food", Duryodhan teased.

"No if that happens, the guests will have no food left", Nakul said.

"Oh yeah. Maybe you are right", Duryodhan laughed and earned a punch from Bheem. Duryodhan gave him a fake stare.

"Shut up! Food department is mine", Bheem declared.

"Fine next?", Karn asked.

"I'll take welcome committee", Yudhister said.

"Oh! I'll take Gift's department then", Duryodhan said.

"Hey if you want welcome committee you can take it", Yudhister offered.

"Nah It's fine. You can have it", Duryodhan replied with a very small smile. Everyone tried not to show a shocked reaction.

'Did he just give up something for us? Is he sick or something?', Sahadev thought. "Guest Chamber preparation is mine", he said aloud.

"Tell me something Angaraj, which department will attract girls?", Nakul asked.


"I mean I am the most handsome guy among all of us. It shouldn't go waste right?", Nakul asked.

"Who said you are the most handsome Prince Nakul?", Duryodhan asked, "Do you have any idea on how many ladies will be waiting for my Mithr Karn in the morning to just witness him do his morning prayers?"

"Mithr-", Karn rolled his eyes.

"So what? Do you have any idea how many ladies will die to watch my brother's sword practice?", Arjun jumped in to defend his brother.

"Yeah tell him Bhrata", Nakul said.

"Guys is it really necessary?", Karn asked.

"Well Angaraj, actually I am curious to know the final answer", Bheem said, "Okay let Nakul go to the river bank along with Angaraj tomorrow and we will find out once and for all", he suggested.

"Guys-", Karn started

"Challenge accepted", Duryodhan said.

"Guys-", Karn tried again.

"Yeah let's see", Arjun said.

"GUYS!", Karn yelled, "We have got work to do. Tell me Nakul what do you want?", he asked in his authoritative voice.

"Fine I will take Palace decorations", Nakul said.

"That leaves you with Entertainment Overview Arjun", Karn said.

"What are you going to do", Arjun asked.

"A little bit of this and a little bit of that", Karn said.

"Bossy!", Arjun said again this time audible to Angaraj. Karn looked him in the eye and replied with a mischievous smile- "Yeah I know"

Arjun rolled his eyes.

"Get to work people", Karn said, "Mithr Duryodhan get the gifts details from Mahamanthri Vidhur. He will be expecting you now"

"Alright I will meet you later", with that Duryodhan left.

"Prince Nakul, Bheem and Arjun, I guess you know what to do next", Karn asked.

"Yes Angaraj Karn! We will get to work", with that they left.

"Prince Sahadev make sure that the guest chambers are ready soon because people will start arriving tomorrow", Karn said.

"Okay done", with that Sahadev took his leave.

"Prince Yudhister!, we should work together now", Karn said.

"Ok so what's the plan?", Yudhister asked.

Karn smiled and they started discussing. 


NOTE: YAAAYYYY I am back with another fun chapter. I hope you like it. Yes, the top two sons of Kunti are in deep discussions. Will they talk anything apart from work or will they just stick to business? Stay tuned to find out. Feel free to comment your thoughts on this chapter and don't forget to vote.

I am forever grateful for your support. Thank you so much guys :)

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