3.Bheem's Condition

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"I will teach you only on a few conditions", Bheem said.

"Name them", Karn said.

"Number one: I am so tired of doing my sparring practice with weaklings like Nakul and Sahadev. Like I said, you are a great warrior. Or that's what people say. I want to know if that is true. I want to know your worth. So promise me you would accompany me in my malyudh and gadha practice one day", Bheem said.

"Yes I promise", Karn replied with a smile.

"And this is the very important condition", Bheem started in a mysterious whisper ,"The recipe credits goes to me and you should NEVER EVER share it with anyone"

"I promise Prince Bheem", Karn replied with sincerity.

"Look at this Bhrata", Arjun complained to Yudhister, "He never taught us the secret but now Angaraj gets to know it "

Bheem ruffled his hair, "Because he asked nicely unlike you. You people are not even allowed in the kitchen. Let's go Angaraj" with that Bheem left smiling with a hand around Karn's shoulder as they walked towards the kitchen.

Kunti saw them go and thanked the lords for her prayers not falling in deaf ears. 


After a few hours, the two royalties were still in the kitchen with flour on Bheem's face and Karn's hair.

"No No Roll it this way Angaraj", Bheem demonstrated to Karn.

"Yeah Okay", Karn followed.

"Bhrata Bheem please allow us inside", whined Nakul.

"We won't disturb you", assured Sahadev.

"Please Bhrata! Already we are drooling", Arjun said.

"AAHHHHHH!!! A cook needs peace. Stop whining and get in", Bheem said in an annoyed tone. The three rushed in and bee-lined straight to a plate of laddoos and decided to take one. "STOP!!!", Bheam ordered.

"Why????", Nakul asked.

"You cannot touch food without washing your hands.", Bheem replied.

"URGHHH!!", Sahadev rolled his eyes ,"Fine where is water?" he asked.

"Oh sorry little brother we used up all the water in the kitchen", Bheem said winking at Karn who was smiling.

"What? Noooo! Bhrata you are doing this on purpose", they argued.

"This is what you get for teasing me", Bheem replied.

Yudhister entered the kitchen. "What are you guys arguing about?", he asked looking at the commotion. "Come on.. We will be late for Rajya Sabha", he added.

"Yes Bhrata! Ask Bheem bhrata to give us one laddoo then we all can leave", Arjun said.


"Bhrata all their hands are dirty. Ask them to wash their hands first", Bheem said.

"There is no water here", Nakul complained.

"Then no Laddoo", Bheem said without missing a beat.

Yudhister was looking at that exchange of words with a what-am-i-gonna-do-with-them look.

Karn started laughing and said,"Ok! I have a solution. But I do not know if you are gonna like it." Everyone looked at him asking him to continue. "My hands are clean. Come here I will feed you", Karn offered.

And then came the awkward silence once again. They just looked at each other not knowing what to do. It was Nakul who broke the silence. He stood in front of Karn and looked at his outstretched hand with the laddoo. A small smile made its way to his lips. "I knew you will never say no Angaraj", he said and opened his mouth. Karn smiled and fed him.

"Oh my God Angaraj!! This is so tasty!", exclaimed Nakul. Karn thanked him and fed the rest with his trademark smile who in turn accepted them graciously and praised them from heart.

But when it came to Arjun, he still hesitated. He had a weird feeling that he could not explain. He felt weird because that scene that was unfolding before his eyes did not feel weird at all – eating from the hands of his arch nemesis somehow felt right. How was that even possible? He did not know and he definitely hated not knowing things.

"Oh Come on Arjun. Just let loose for once.", Yudhister nudged him as if hearing his thoughts. All the tension between them were shattered into pieces and for the first time, they felt no enmity between them.

"What is happening here?", boomed Duryodhan's voice from the entrance. He held a small box in his hand. "I can't believe all you royal princes and king are spending so much time in the kitchen.", he said.

"Mithr Duryodhan! Come taste this. I made them", Karn said and fed him one.

There was a shocked expression on Duryodhan's face. "Oh My God! It is delicious. I didn't know you were such a great cook", he said with a full mouth.

"All thanks to Prince Bheem here", Karn complimented patting his back.

"Alright I actually came here to give you this", Duryodhan said and gave the box to Karn. Karn opened it to find a beautiful necklace and was dumbstruck by its beauty and richness. "This is a gift for my sister", Duryodhan said.

"Oh Mithr.. I cannot accept this", Karn said.

"Whaaat?? Whyy??", Duryodhan's smile faded. Even the others stopped bickering and the place went quiet.

"Give this to your sister by yourself in person mithr. I know she would be happy to see you", Karn replied with a smile.

The Pandavs who were witnessing that conversation let out the breath that they didn't realize they were holding in. They were stunned because they have never seen that side of Duryodhan where he loves and cares ever. They felt happy and at the same time strangely jealous.

" Haha alright Mithr. I will come with you today and gift her myself", Duryodhan assured him. When he tried to get the box back, the necklace slipped from their hands and fell down. In an attempt to catch it, Duryodhan hurt himself by a cutting knife that was left open in the kitchen and it started bleeding.



NOTE: There goes another fun chapter. Okay Duryodhan got hurt. That means Karn will be switching to mother-hen mode. Stay tuned to find out. Thank you so much for your support. Hope you like it. Feel free to comment and vote.

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