Ch. 3: A Second Life

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After a near silent walk to the lab, the only noise being Cammie's excited squeals at the lab and what the gen:LOCK project will look like, the group of people who hadn't been to the lab before were impressed by the technology that was there. It had been beyond anything any of them had seen before, with a few dropped jaws at the sight from Jaune, Cammie, and Kazu. As they continued to gaze around the lab, the new recruits caught sight of Chase but not the holographic Chase they had been walking with as the Chase they saw was barely half a body in a large glass tub of medical liquid.

"Whoa!" Jaune let out as he saw the real body of Chase, never in his life having ever seen or heard from the news or his family stories of a body in such brutal condition.

But before questions of Chase's real body condition could be respectfully asked, Dr. Weller sat down in a chair before the group and explained the technology concept behind gen:LOCK as well as certain "risks" that may occur if they weren't compatible. To say the least, the outcome if you weren't compatible was NOT that tasteful but they took the news as best as they could, some reacting less volatile than others.

"ARE YA LOONY?!" Cammie shouted as she stared at Dr. Weller in shock after hearing what would happen to them if they turned out to not be compatible before pacing back and worth as the rest of the group watch. "You grab us from our homes, tell us of a project that could change the world, sling us to the middle of the of nowhere, and now you tell us that this project only we could do can fry our brains like a fresh batch of sliced tatters from the deep fry if we aren't what you thought we where! And now you expect us to move on and jump in like eager rabbits into their den?! Did I miss anything, Mr. Longshanks?" she finished as she stopped in front of Dr. Weller and leaned forward a bit with her hands on her hips.

"He he, when you say it like that, it does make you nervous." Jaune said as he scratched his head a bit while standing next to Yaz on her left.

Dr. Weller paused for a bit from his seat before speaking again.

"Activate privacy windows, if you please." he said to the lab as a glass window became fogged and gray. "You have the gist, Ms. MacCloud but I would've done it with less sarcasm."

"I think sarcasm is needed, doc." Cammie said as she crossed her arms.

"Yeah, I kinda agree. And I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'd rather return to my old unit./ええ、私はちょっと同意します。 そして、私がこれを言っているとは信じられませんが、むしろ私の古い部隊に戻りたいと思います。" Iida said as he was using a crate for a foot rest while stroking his chin.

"Dr. Weller, please report to..." the intercom said before Dr. Weller cut it off.

"In a minute!" he said back before gesturing to Valentina. "Valentina, you've been rather silent."

"Sometimes, it's more entertaining to watch the chaos." she said as Yaz took offence to that.

"This is entertaining to you?" Jaune asked with his left eye brow up, questioning how this situation could be funny like a comedy TV show.

"This is not meant to be fun." Yaz said as Chase and Jaune turned to her.

"Really? Look at all of us, all strange and unique individuals including the ghost you're standing next to." Valentina said as she referred to Chase's original body and the hologram next to Yaz.

"Whoa! That was a bit much." Jaune said as he held his hands up, stepping away from Valentina's general area a bit.

"Yeah, I gotta agree. I take offence." Chase said as he held up a finger to agree with Jaune.

"Made so by the "unique" professor and the defensive dog that might be a Union spy for all we know." Valentina said as she looked at Yaz, who narrowed her eyes at Valentina's harsh words and tone.

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