
we looked at each other for a few seconds before I began to walk backwards...I picked up my pace and turned around, i started to run as fast I could, I heard pine tree begin to follow behind me.

he would tell me the directions to get to town so we wouldn't have to stop a lot, we obviously needed to though, to catch our breath.

"oi, you kids okay?"

just our luck...stopped by police.

"you that pines kid right, Dipper"

"y...yeah thats...me"

"why in such a rush kid?"

"my friends brother has been gone for about 2 and a half hours and we where getting really worried, we think he might have been kidnapped, he never takes more than and hour without telling anyone, he's not answering his phone or nothing!"

I nodded my head, as the officer looked at me raising his brows I said:

"at winter time he would always get a new scarf and say each different scarf hold a different memory, I'm certain he left to go get a scarf at the town"

the officer looked behind him at the back seat and gestured to the back doors;

"well what are you waiting for? Hop in!"

i looked at pine tree who was looking at me we both smiled and got into the car, within ten minutes we where at the town.

"thank you, so much officer!"
Pine tree said with I smile, I did the same.

We walked through the town.

"All things Woven..."

"That's the place! They sell scarfs blankets everything knitted!"

We walked into the store as the bell on the door rang, the man at the register looked at us and smiled

"Excuse me, do you know if a boy with bright blue hair was here earlier?"


That's good, the man knows willaim so maybe he knows where he went

"Yes, he's my brother, do you know where he went he's been gone for almost 3 hours"

"Kid was here 'bout and hour ago, bright a scarf"

I looked at pine tree with a smug look on my face.

"Told ya I knew my brother better than anyone one else!"

"Yea yea...do you know where he went?"

"Sorry mate, i don't, last thing I saw him dae was talk to a wee lassy just out side the door"


"Did she have long brown hair...pink bangs?"

"Aye, I think a bright pink sweater with a shooting star on it was all I saw kid"

'I know where he is...'

I backed up to the door...



Before pine tree had time to react I belted out the door and ran to the end of the street.

"H-hey LLAMA"

The blonde turned to me and pulled me behind a store

"How are you here?! You where turned to stone!"

"It's a really long story but please...trust me..."

Pine tree ran around the corner

"Bill where are you going dam it!"

He froze when he saw Llama...

Before she could well at him for hanging about with me he pretty much Summarised everything in seconds... Llama backed away and apologised

"So...you need directions to the shack right?"

I froze at her words... SHE WAS GONNA HELP US!

I smile and nod almost begging

"I'll show you but don't try anything funny, okay?"

" I promise"

We begin to follow her as I explain every thing that has happened...from square one

"So...basically...dipper moved to gravityfalls, got Lonely,summoned you from the fuckin DEAD,  yous got in an argument with his family, got gay, tried to talk it out so the them, almost died, family reunion with your brother, dipper miss understood, dipper turned into a DEMON, almost killed you, found out your cousin was manipulating him, made up with your cousin who always steals your bread,  willaim went on a walk and probs got kidnapped by Stan,Ford, and Mable?"

Me and pine tree stayed silent for a second after Pacifica's little rant... before saying in sync

"Yeah, pretty much"

We turned a corner and there it was...the mystery shack...oh boy no turning back now...



Ah shit

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