×The Answer×

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★Junior's POV★

There was a long pause, the room fills with awkward silence. Cody let's out a sigh and starts to walk over to me, I pick up the box of photos and stand up. Cody stops and gives me a look of annoyance, "Junior, just...give me the box and let's..just forget this even happened.." I almost laugh, I clutch the box against my chest, "Not until you explain yourself weirdo!" Cody shushes me and then groans, "Ugh okay, if it would make you shut up, I'll tell you..."

I smirk and wait for his answer, «this is really weird, why am I so curious about this? I should've dashed out of here the moment I discovered the photos..right?» My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the bed creaking. I blink and look at Cody, who was now sitting on the bed. He looked distraught, «Is he afraid of giving me an answer? It's probably just another one of his gay...weird hobbies.» I sigh and sit next to him on the bed, "Cody, just be straight up and tell me. It's not that big of deal..I guess..?"

I look over at Cody to see his face was beet red and sweaty, he lets out a weird nervous laugh, "W-well..here goes nothing. You..um have a really cute smile and it's rare you ever smile at me like that...so I would take ever opportunity to get a picture of you smiling. I know that's really weird and I'm honestly surprised you never noticed, because Joseph noticed. I literally had to beg him not to tell you about it..." He covers his face and groans in embarrassment.

«Huh.. that's it? I mean yeah that's weird but I was expecting something more..gayer or something. I kinda feel bad about finding the box, it's not like he was doing something perverted with them...» I put the box down beside me and place a hand on Cody's shoulder, trying to... comfort him?

Cody looks up and turns his attention to me, I hesitate before speaking, "Okay nerd, there's no need to be all dramatic about it, what you did was weird as hell but I'm just glad I didn't find something worse in the box." I give him a reassuring smile, but Cody looks at me with a puzzled expression. I stare back, "What?" Cody still gives me a puzzled look, "You're not...mad? I literally took pictures of you without your permission and then proceed to call you cute. Why aren't you saying 'oh that's so gay, Cody' or some shit like that?" I feel my face become warm, and I cross my arms, "W-well Cody, I was trying to be nice Geeez" I let out a huff and turn away from him.

I could hear Cody start to laugh and I look back at him, I feel my face become warmer, "W-what? What's so funny??", Cody slowly stops laughing and dismiss me by waving his hands. "It's nothing, just..thanks for forgiving me about the ya know... photos. I'll totally get rid of them..if—" I sigh, "Nah I guess you can keep them if it means sooo much to you, and you're right I do have a cute smile~" Cody playfully rolls his eyes, "Don't let my comment get to your head, Junior..Anyways.." Cody grabs the forgotten drinks and snacks that laid behind us on the bed.

"Let's just enjoy these snacks and relax" I kinda smile at him, and then glance at the root beer in his hands, before he could offer it to me, I grab it. "Woah, your parents allowed you to have Root Beer, maybe you're not as lame as I thought!", Cody sighs and lets out a chuckle, "I...kind of snuck  those up here, I kept it secret for..." Cody pause and I watch him think for a moment, then he continued, "Oh! Uh I kept it hidden from my parents for like two months. They should be good still... hopefully." «I don't really care, root beer is root beer, no matter how hot and old it is!»

I shrug at Cody and twist the bottle cap open until I heard a small pssss sound. "Eh, it's totally cool, Root beer is root beer, also you totally get cool points for this." I take a swig of the soft drink and realize how flat it is. «Oh well...» I look over at Cody, who seemed in a much better mood than before, which made me feel relax, seeing him in such a relaxed state. «This feels nice..I guess. So much has already happened in the span of 15 minutes. Cody's really not that bad as I always make him..I mean I always mess with him, but it's all in good fun, I think? I wonder how he feels about that...»

A/N: Wow what a ride lol, I'm really not trying to make this fic cringy or uncharacteristic. What could I change or add? Also thank you guys so much for the support! 200+ reads, wowie! ❤️🥺 Here's a bit of art for keeping y'all waiting so long!

 What could I change or add? Also thank you guys so much for the support! 200+ reads, wowie! ❤️🥺 Here's a bit of art for keeping y'all waiting so long!

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★Too Much Root Beer★ A Cody x Junior FanficWhere stories live. Discover now