×Just a game×

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★Junior's POV★

I held Cody's hand tightly, ignoring every negative thing thrown at me.. at us, I wasn't afraid anymore. I was proud, I knew what I wanted, I knew what I felt. That strong feeling in my chest only became lighter and lighter as I realized what I wanted. I felt Cody's hand squeeze mine, and it felt sickly sweet, everything felt sickly sweet, but I liked every bit of it. I didn't want anything to ruin this, I didn't want to think about what other's might have thought. Who cares what Joseph, Chef PeePee, and dad thought.. right? Cody let's go of my hand and I look at him confused. Before I could say anything, Cody spoke, his words stung, stung deeply, "I can't do this with you.. especially if this is just some game. I don't want that and..I just don't want you..", And like that he was gone, leaving me isolated. The light feeling in my chest was replaced with a sharp painfully sensation and I hated every second of it. I hated how right Cody was.. this was some game. I can't believe I'd even consider myself having feelings for him.. this is just wrong...even if I wanted so badly for it to be right. But it isn't..  I need to wake up and realize that.

I gasp and sit up quickly, I felt a chill run down my spine. Sickness washed over me and bile crept it's way up my throat. I couldn't hold back even if I wanted to, I puke on the carpet and pant heavily. «This is what I get for drinking shitty ass root beer...screw what I said last night about it..», I wipe my mouth, not ready to process the dream I just had, «Cody.. where's Cody..?», I look around and realize how dark it was, I felt around, trying to avoid my barf on the carpet. I realize I wasn't in a bed anymore.

I hold onto the wall and slowly stand up. I felt for a light switch, but soon gave up after not finding one, was I in the closet? I heard muffled shouting coming from downstairs and then loud foot steps. Panic crept up my spine as I back up from the closet door. I heard the bedroom door open and then slam close.

  I watch the closet door swing open and there stood Cody. For some stupid reason my heart started racing, I felt the strong feeling in my chest return and it only made me think about the dream I had. «Just some fucking game...», Cody seemed out of breath from I guess running up here, he gives me a small smile, "hey..", I couldn't help but blush, which made me look down in embarrassment, "..hey, uh why am I in the closet?", I look up at him in confusion, Cody quickly steps in the closet and quietly closes the door, "My dad always comes in my room to wake me up for school, so I got up early and...uh put you in the closet so he wouldn't see you..", I slowly nod and mumble, "I guess that makes sense..but what was all that yelling about..?", Cody chuckles awkwardly, "oh..it was nothing, just my parents you know..being themselves.. anyways you okay? You seem really shook up..", I tense up and mentally groan, «Why does he notice everything about me?? It's driving me insane..»

I sigh as remember how I puked when I woke up, "uh..I don't know.. but I kind of maybe..puked in your closet..", I cross my arms, "It was probably because of that old ass root beer.. you gave me..", I hold back a laugh as I notice Cody's unimpressed expression, "Great..what an amazing way to thank me Junior, I'll clean it up later, we need to get to school though, I really don't wanna be late.", Cody kept a tense expression.

I groan, but I didn't feel like objecting, "Fine nerd.. I just need my bib, where it at?", before Cody could answer, the bedroom door swung open, "Cody!? Where you at boy? You're going to be late, and I swear to Jewish god, I'm going to beat your ass if you're not ready by now!", Cody shushes me and leaves the closet quickly, I tune out the constant shouting from Cody's dad and wait for Cody to return. «What a fucking mess this is.. this is going to be so pointless in the end..I still need to play out the dare, but for what..?? So Joseph can get a good laugh..then where does that leave me? Would I enjoy that hurt expression on Cody's face when I tell him the truth...?»

My intruding thoughts were interrupted by the bedroom door being slammed shut. I assumed Cody's dad left because Cody opens the closet door with my bib in his hand. He looked annoyed but I watch his expression soften as he looks at me, "Here.. I'll help you get it on and we can just go..", before I could even object Cody comes behind me and pause, I could feel him staring at my neck. I blush harder than I should've, "C-cody..stop staring..and just hurry up..", Cody only chuckles and wraps the bib around my neck gently, tying it securely.

Cody comes from behind me, "Okay BJ, let's go..uh we can just leave through the window..I really don't want to face my parents right now.." I nod slowly and follow Cody, who left the closet and head to the window. He opens the window and stares down, "shit.. well we can maybe land in the bushes.. uh maybe this was a bad id–", I roll my eyes and push Cody out the window, "You're such a chicken, Cody! But I want you to catch me...I rather not land in your bushes!" Cody forms out the bushes clearly annoyed, "Junior, I'm not catching you! Especially after you pushed me out the fucking window!", I tune out what Cody says and jump out the window, Cody quickly catches me, "Junior.. I really hate you..",  without any hesitation, like a fucking idiot, I blabber out, "That's not what you said last night, dweeb..", I blush and chuckle awkwardly, «Good job Junior, totally necessary to say..», Cody's face becomes red and his annoyed expression was replaced with a more timid look, "uh..hah t-true..", before we can exchange any more words, a confused voice speaks up, "Uh dudes..? What the hell is going on here..?" «Fuck.. »

A/N: man I'm writing a lot, I hope that's okay, honestly all the support lately has been making me feel extremely motivated and I deeply appreciate it. I personally think this chapter is okay, I feel like the beginning is a bit too dramatic idk also it feels fast paced? Omg idk it's bothering me but idk what to fix! 😤😩 Also if there's Grammar mistakes sorry I'm horrible at proper grammar.

★Too Much Root Beer★ A Cody x Junior FanficWhere stories live. Discover now