×Don't effing kiss me×

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A/N: Before we start this, I want to say is, all my recent chapters have been shit 😃! Why? I looked back at an old writing piece I had and I really enjoyed the writing style there soooo. I'm going to be taking my time with this chapter, a lot of thinking and a lot of feelings. NO RUSHING ❤️ kisses. I want y'all to enjoy this, y'all deserve it 💁🏾‍♀️✨

†Cody's POV†

Junior's been acting weird the whole day and I'm not even addressing the whole hallway situation. I could still feel the light peck Junior had given me on the nose. ¡I'm never washing my face again!, my cheeks burn and tingle at the thought. Junior's been giving me mix signals, it feels like something isn't right about this whole situation, but I digress. My main worry was how Junior has been so upset lately, especially this morning. Not to make this about myself, but was it because of my confession..? The kiss last night? Shit, what if I scared him..?

I sigh and walk beside the silent and absentminded Junior. That's another thing I was oh-so curious about, what was so heavy on his mind? It really couldn't be just about what had happened the night before.. no there's something else. I wish Junior would be open with me, like last night. Seeing that side of Junior was refreshing, almost as if he had a heart. ¡Maybe we'll talk about everything that's bothering him when we get there..or even better maybe he shared the same feelings as me..so maybe I shouldn't push him right now, I should just let him think!

Before I knew it we arrived to Junior's unnecessarily large home. I didn't even realize we already made our way on the front porch until I turn my attention to the tan-colored door in front of me. For some reason a wave uneasiness permeate my body. ¡Shit don't start this now Cody, keep it together. You're cool... everything is fine!, My thoughts were interrupted by a slight tug on my left sleeve.

I look to my left to see Junior pulling at my sleeve to get my attention, he looked at me expectantly. ¡Jesus Christ he has no right to be this cute..he's just teasing me at this point!, I watch his nose scrunch up slightly. ¡Cody calm down..no dirty thoughts!, "Cody..? You good? I've been calling your name for like ever..you better not be thinking about perverted stuff!", I let a nervous laugh and rub the back of my neck, "of course not.. you know me, I would never... anyways are we going in or what?"

Junior visibly tenses up but soon nods, hesitation clear on his face. This was not helping me ease my own nervousness whatsoever. But alas we both seem to push that feeling away and go inside. Junior had let go of my sleeve the moment we stepped through the front door. I watch him take his phone out and quickly type away. His thumbs working quickly to get whatever message he was typing done with..hheeh I wonder what else could do with those thumbs. This time I didn't stop my mind from wondering to a dirty place. Tainted images of Junior invaded my head. I felt my cheeks burn and I shiver, wanting all my perverted thoughts to just come true already. ¡Patience Cody...maybe if Junior feels the same way MAYBE just maybe we could do those things... maybe..!

Junior let's out a long sigh, which quickly snaps me out of thoughts. He puts his phone away in his bib and then looks at me. He seemed to scan my face, almost falling into deep thought himself. I watch a small blush spread on his cheeks, guessed he realized his staring, too cute. Junior looks away, "L-lets uh..go to the game room." Junior starts walking way ahead of me before I could say anything else. I felt the uneasy feeling creep back up to me, but I follow him anyways.

I enter the room to see Junior scanning it. It was like he was looking for someone, but I wasn't sure. I came up behind him and confidently wrap my arms around his waist. I only did this just to get Junior's attention and to see his usual adorable reaction. I lean my head on his shoulder and smirk, "You alright there Junbug?~" I heard Junior gasp and then groan. He pushes himself out of my arms and I chuckle, seeing how red his face has become.

Junior doesn't say anything about my actions and just grumpily sits on the couch, "J-just sit down, Cody.." I do as he says, briefly feeling confident. That confidence soon forms into uncomfortable nervousness. I try to act cool and lean against the arm rest of the couch. I look at Junior expectantly, he seemed nervous, his faced looked flushed. I figured he didn't want to speak first, "So..what did you want to talk about Junior?" He shifts and slowly faces me.

I watch him close his eyes and then take a deep breath. Junior scoots closer to me, placing his hand on my knee, I felt heat permeate my cheeks. "J-jun–", I was interrupted by warm lips against mine. I felt Junior tremble against me and I just couldn't kiss back, something wasn't right. As quick as it happened, Junior pulls away, his eyes glossy and his face red. "I-i uh..like you.." he tries to kiss me again but I grab his shoulders and stop him from coming any closer. I study his face, it was clear he wasn't sure about any of this. Its almost like he was forcing himself to act this way...did I make him feel like he had to like me back..? Man I am awful...

Junior stares back at me in confusion, I was confused by my own actions as well. I should be over the moon, I should be fucking eager to continue this seemingly spicy moment between us. But no I'm not, I'm concerned. Even if I might be overthinking this, Junior possibly couldn't confess like this, this is so out of character.

I frown, this is joke isn't it..? "J-junior..this is uh unexpected..i-", Junior quickly speaks up, "Before you say anything, I-im not joking! Just believe me! You gotta believe me.. I-i like you..s-so be happy about it.." I let go of Junior and shake my head, "Junior..i-i don't know.." Junior looked somewhat hurt and horrified at the same time. ¡What am I doing?!? Am I really rejecting him?? What if he really does like me??!

A loud frustrated sounding groan booms from across the room. Both Junior and I turn our attention to the closet. Joseph kicks the door open and glares directly at me, frustration clear on his face. "What is wrong with you Cody?! Why aren't you happy? You should be happy! You're ruining this whole thing, dude! Now Junior can't finish the damn dare! I thought you liked him!" I...what?! I look at Junior, who visibly cringed at this whole out burst, he doesn't look at me and remains silent. I look back at Joseph and furrow my brows, "A dare...what dare..?" My heart aches, knowing the answer to my obvious question..

Joseph seems to calm down slightly, seemingly noting my fearful expression, the mother fucker smirks. "Well the jigs up now..might as well spill everything.. this dare all started yesterday night..." Joseph goes on about every detail on this whole "joke" they've created. I felt so betrayed, pissed and just hurt..I hang my head down totally ashamed for falling for this all. I stand up from the couch and Joseph stop his explanation, "I'm not done dude, don't you wanna hear the best part? Junior is a great actor isn't he.. honestly even I almost thought he really did like you for a second..he's that good.." I could hear the smugness in his voice and I just snap. "You know what..I'm done, I'm fuckin done with you guys! This wasn't funny you sick fucks! I'm so sick of you guys trying to finds ways to torture me mentally! Well guess what assholes, you've finally brought me to my breaking point! I'm done with you both! Find another idiot to torture!" I left..I just left, I didn't want to hear anything else from Joseph and Junior..but I did get a final glimpse of Junior.. everything stung. I still liked him..which just makes me even more of an idiot..

A/N: aaah I loved doing Cody's pov, hopefully this chapter wasn't too dramatic and cringe. My head canon tho is that Joseph is a complete manipulative sociopath 💁🏾‍♀️✨ I hope this was an okay chapter kisssssssses guys 🤲💖 also If you have any problems I would love to hhhear them! 💖💖

★Too Much Root Beer★ A Cody x Junior FanficWhere stories live. Discover now