5. charms.

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you sat through potions a bit out of it, you only had one thing on your mind. Fred. what did he mean when he said that. you kept wondering to yourself, why did you like him so much all of a sudden. you had always thought he was attractive, i mean him and George both, but there was just something about Fred. you might have always had a bit of a thing for him, but never like this. was it his sudden voice drop over the summer. or was it the way he lost his baby face and you could see his beautiful bone structure. you didn't know exactly but it was drawing you in constantly.

"class dismissed." snaps stirred in a dark tone. you thought about the fact that you had charms next. butterflies filled your stomach. you finished putting away your books and walked out of the classroom. as soon as you stepped out of the door, you face lit up. Fred. he was there outside potions waiting for you.

"Freddie!" you walked up to him. "y/n!" he yells back while grabbing you by the waist picking you up and spinning you around. you giggle softly " cmon put me down" he looks at you then pretends like he's going to drop you.as a reflex you put your hands on the side of his neck to sturdy yourself. you realize what you had done and looked at him right in the eyes, without moving your hands. he placed you down not breaking eye contact keeping his hands on your waist. you could cut the sexual tension with a knife. he pulls you slightly closer to him.

"if i were looking at us right now from someone else's point of view, i would think we were gonna kiss" he says with a smile. turns out it wasn't just you feeling this. thank god. " you wish" you say back in a flirty tone. " i could if i wanted" he tightened his grip on your waist.

"oh, could you now" you say sarcastically. "yes actually" he says still starring into your eyes. right then you decided you were gonna make one of your boldest moves yet. " alright do it then" with no hesitation he pulled you closer and leaned down, hovering by your lips for a moment before smashing his lips with yours. you immediately kissed back. your hands ran up from his neck too his hair. your lips danced with his like it they were meant for each other. his tongue slid across your bottom lip, it was soft and rough at the same time. a perfect balance. you both finally broke apart for some air. placing your foreheads against one another's and smiling so wide. Fred leans back against the wall you were in front of, his hands still on your waist. "cherry chapstick huh" he chuckled slightly. "what can i say it's my favorite" you shrugged your shoulders. " mine too." he winked at you then grabbed your hand.

the two of you turned too head off to charms but when you did you saw none other than lee Jordan and George Weasley starring at you two, mouths ajar and eyes widened. you placed your forehead on Fred's shoulder and sighed. "shit, Freddie how much of that do you think they saw" "from the looks on their faces y/n probably all of it." you looked up at him and he was grinning like a little kid in a candy store. he loved that they just saw that.

the two boys start walking towards you guys, you look at Fred again "y/n on the count of three turn around and run. we will take the secret passage to charms just follow my lead" you smiled at him. showing him you were ready. and just before they could get into talking distance of the two of you you hear fred. " one, two, thr-" before he said three Fred turned around and started running pulling your hand that he was holding causing you to run also. he looked back at you while running, both of you smiling and laughing while running through the castle.

you finally reach the charms classroom haven taken a few passage ways to get there so you weren't late. both of your breaths staggered.

you looked at each other grinning like idiots "that was fun" he says. " yeah we should do it again sometime" you replied. "which part?" he says with a smirk on his face. "maybe both but who knows-" you were stopped mid sentence by fred placing his hands on your cheeks and pulling you in for another kiss. it was magnificent. better than the last. you didn't think that was possible. you placed a hand on his chest and slightly pushing him off , but he didn't want it to end and frankly neither did you. but you finally pulled away your faces just centimeters apart." Freddie we have to go to class" you smiled. " do we really have to go, isn't this more fun?" he says tilting your head up do you can see him better." it is more fun but it's the first day of classes and i don't want to be late" you placed a hand back on his chest and fixed his tie. " ugh fine" he said wiping the chapstick off your face that was smeared due to the kiss. you placed a quick kiss on his lips and walked into class him following behind you.

maybe a little. // fred weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now