2. the train ride to school.

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"fred just jump on her or something" you hear george say while just starting to wake up. "fredrick, don't you dare" you say in a sleepy voice while rolling onto your back. then before you were able to process anything fred jumped right onto you " ouch, Freddie get off" you spat at him, trying to get him off you. he wraps his arms around your waist so you can't push him off. suddenly you got what felt like, butterflies? but why, you and fred were always friends nothing more, so what made your stomach flutter at his touch?

" not until you agree to get ur arse out of bed, we have to get going soon school starts today" you finally open your eyes all the way and look at fred with a i don't want to look, him still laying on top you with his arms snaked around your waist. "well good morning sunshine" he says smirking. your cheeks getting slightly hot. " oh shove off Freddie" you say finally being able to push him off of you. cold at the sudden loss of contact.

"y/n wake up already" george yells helping fred up off the ground you pushed him onto. " bloody hell, fine just will the two of you get out so i can get ready" they nod and start to head off out of the room the girls were staying in. both Hermione and ginny were already up ready and eating breakfast. "oi, send ginny up will you, i have to talk to her" " no" fred says while laughing. you were not gonna get to talk to ginny.

you start getting dressed into a pair of dark ripped jeans, a tight black shirt and black tennis shoes. you brush your hair and teeth then make sure all your stuff is ready, but you can't seem to find your flannel you wanted to wear over your shirt, you shrugged it off and headed downstairs where everyone was at the table eating.

you sit down in between the twins and start putting food onto your plate. " have any of you seen my flannel?" you look over and see ginny wearing ur shirt. " damn ginny, i wanted to wear that" you laugh slightly. "i erm- sorry" she says " your ok, i guess i'll just have to go without" you shoved a piece of bacon in your mouth. " i have one you can wear, erm it might be a little long though because you know the height difference" fred spits out. you blush slightly, there they were again those butterflies. damn fred, what is going on. " thank you freddie and it will just be more comfortable cause it's bigger" he looks at you and smiles.

you all finish breakfast and fred tells you to come upstairs with him to get a flannel. " will this one work?" he says pulling a long sleeve red, white and black flannel out of his dresser. " yes, perfectly. thank you Freddie" you give him a tight hug. "anytime y/n" he says handing you the flannel, you put it on leaving it unbuttoned so you could see your shirt.

" i'll give it back to you when i change into my robes on the train" you smile at him. " no need, keep it. it looks better on you then me anyway" he says, your face flushed red. "aw ur blushing, how cute" he grabs your chin to look at you. " oh shush weasley i would if anyone complemented me" truth is, you would but not like this. and you didn't know why all of a sudden he was getting to you like this. flirting was always something you guys did. it's just your personality's. fred smirked at you and swung his arm around your shoulder leading you out of the room. " yeah, i'm sure you would" he says snarkily as the two of you head down stairs.

as the two of you reach the bottom of the stairs you sneak out from under his arm and head over towards the girls looking back at him while walking, you go to turn back around but before you could he sent a wink your way. you turned around quickly hoping the girls didn't see that.

" y/n what was that?!?" Hermione says confused. " oh it was nothing just fred being fred. a bit of friendly banter is something you should always expect from him" you chuckle. ginny looks at you with a slight stare " yeah, friendly banter i'm sure"  " ginny relax ok, i promise that's all it is" she relaxes a bit and you all hear molly yell " come on now everybody in the car."

you all stacked your trunks into the back if the car and got in the front. normally everyone wouldn't fit, but magic you know.

before you knew if you were at kings cross getting ready to board the train. you look to molly and arthur without thought you engulf them in a quick but firm hug. " thank you guys so much for letting me stay the past few days i appreciate it" you smiled warmly at them. "oh anytime dear we love having you at our place you bring so much joy, and the boys love having you around" you smiled again hugging molly one more time, and waving to arthur. and so did the rest of the kids.

you now all start boarding the train separating from ron and his friends the three of you start to head to your normal seat on the train. you find your seat, place you trunk above and say down closest to the window. fred sat next to you and george across from the two of you. you were ecstatic because you knew when you got to hogwarts you would get to see Angelina, Katie and Lee for the first time in months.

you were still a bit tired from having to wake so early and everyone could tell, you lay your head on the cold window and start to doze off listening to fred and george talk about new inventions of theirs. until you feel a tap on your arm, it was fred " y/n that must be bloody uncomfortable, lay here" he says motioning to his shoulder, you shift over and place your head on his shoulder and doze off once more. the boys went back to talking about their inventions. we were all content. you slept all the whole whole train ride.

you woke up to george screaming in your ear " WAKE UP Y/N" you jump awake and bring your head off fred's shoulder because George scared you. " bloody hell george, you could've just shook me or something" he laughed " yeah i know but this was more fun, now let's go, we are here"

you look at the two boys and realize you all forgot to put on your Gryffindor house robes " shit guys we didn't put on our robes" george scoffs "shit"  fred looks at you and says " i remembered but i wanted to let you sleep so i didn't say anything" he smiles down at you sweetly. george looks at the two of you and makes a gagging sound " ew stop that, you guys are flirting way flirtier than normal" you and fred look at each other and laugh slightly.

maybe a little. // fred weasley x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora