10. friends.

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the two of you settled into your seats right by two of your other friends, angie and lee. you were about 30 minutes into class joking laughing with your friends when you felt a hand on your knee. fred. your stomach swarmed with butterflies at the feeling of his hands. you turned to look at him and he smiled back innocently. you continued doing your work and talking to your friends as he started tracing shapes onto your skin with his fingertips. then angie spoke up about something you really didn't want to talk about because honestly you did not know anything about it yourself. you and fred.

"so honestly what is going on with you two, because lee and george have a few theories for themselves" you were going to speak but Fred beat you too it. "friends. were friends" lee laughed at him. " i saw you two, there is no way you can kiss like that and be just friends" Fred spoke again, " it's true, we are only friends. and plus, people can kiss and it can platonic." Fred said squeezing your knee where his hand still was. "it didn't look very platonic to me." lee said "lee cool it, and y/n what are your thoughts on the topic?" angie asked. you hesitated before speaking up "friends, just like fred said" you gave a shy broken smile and everyone went back to what they were doing. your heart broke hearing him say that. all your fears about this were coming true. what Audrey said to you was coming true. you crossed the leg Fred had his hand on into your other leg cause him to lose his grip and drop his hand. "why did you do that?" he whispered. you didn't want to have this conversation with him right now so you lied. " just needed to stretch Freddie." you smiled at him.

you couldn't focus on your work the rest of class, your mind was racing with so many thoughts, one being everything with you and Fred, the second being how hungry you were but you thought to yourself, you could go the rest of today and tomorrow. but how were you gonna skip lunch without your friends noticing. only one solution popped into your head. you dropped your pencil under the desk and bent under the table to get it and when you were coming up you purposely hit your head in the table and yelled "FUCK" everyone in the classroom burst out laughing "Y/N that is detention during lunch today. we do not use that type of language here." you tried your best to be upset. "yes professor" you replied sitting back down. you rubbed your head, "that hurt" your three friends laughed and so did you. " your a bumbling idiot mate" angie said. you all had a good laugh because they didn't realize the true reason for your little stunt. they didn't realize it was all a ploy so you could skip lunch, they just thought you really were a bumbling idiot. class soon finished and the rest of the group went to lunch and you stayed back to serve your detention.

detention felt a lot longer than it should of, you were hungry and sad. was fred being serious? or was he only trying to get your friends off your backs? by this point you had really stated to develop feeling and a lot of them. at least if this "thing" with you guys ended you didn't tell anyone how strong your feeling had become. was it because you didn't look like his old girlfriend? why didn't he like you. oh lord did you have too many thoughts in your head, he was all you could think about lately. you were on the brink of tears. you hated this feeling. the feeling of not being enough for anyone, not even yourself. the professor let you out early and you decided to go to the dorm and freshen up a bit.

when you got to the common room you saw all you friends sitting by the fire laughing loudly your thoughts slowed and you wondered what was so funny, you started walking over too them " what's so funny guys-" your sentence stopped by your own laughter Fred and George were sitting down next to each other and they were old. long whit hair and long white beards, they both also had injuries like they were in a fight, and most likely with each other. George had a black eye and Fred a busted lip. "what the hell happen to you two" you say holding your stomach because you were laughing so hard. " they tried to put their names in the goblet and i think there potion malfunctioned" lee said. " then the bloody gits started fist fighting in-front of the whole school." katie added "YEAH WELL FRED SAID THA-" George was cut off be Fred " I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING ASSHOLE IT WAS NOT MY IDEA"  Fred spat "YOU SAID THE POTION WOULD WORK" George said, you were hysterical, " as much as i would like to stay and watch this wonderful show, i'm gonna go freshen up" you bidded goodbyes to everyone but the still arguing brothers.

when you got into your dorm you headed to the bathroom to fix your makeup that was smudged at the waterline because of the tears you wouldn't let fall. there was about ten minutes before your next class. you finished cleaning yourself up and headed back down through the common room and out the portrait to your next class. you got to the classroom and scanned the room looking for a seat. your eyes fell on two boys with flaming red hair. there backfired potion must have worn off. you forgot today all your classes had Fred in them, but at least George was here too so you could slightly avoid fred without it being as obviously. you were gonna go sit at an empty desk in the other side of the room but then George saw you. " y/n come sit by us!" he said in a loud voice "oh hey guys, i didn't see you" you said staring at your feet. "looks like you fixed your mishap." you pointed to George's head. Fred spoke "yeah angie used a quick reversal spell" you couldn't look at him so you just gave a closed lip smile and sat down at the open seat next to George, not the one next to Fred. you pulled out your books and started working, you did this the rest of class and didn't speak unless someone spoke to you. you were in the middle of writing a sentence when someone bumped your arm and made you drop your quill. George just smiled innocently and handed you a folded up piece of parchment. " it's from Freddie" you gave him a sassy look for making you stop your work but said thank you and looked at the note to see what it read.

y/n are you ok?? did i do something wrong? why aren't you talking? why did you not sit next to me? ~ freddie

you didn't know what to say. so you flipped the parchment over grabbed your quill and wrote one word in quotations "friends" then folded it back up and gave it to George who handed it to Fred. you could not bring yourself to look at him so you didn't know what his reaction was. soon enough class was ending and Fred tried to talk to you but you just walked away, you could not do this today. the last thing you heard before you left the room was George ask Fred "what the hell did you do to her?" your day was pretty much over now, the next thing you had was 2 free periods then dinner. you didn't know what to do for you free periods so you decided to try and nap, your mind and body were exhausted. you thought maybe you would also sleep through dinner again and use it as and excuse not not eat again.

when you got up to your dorm you went over to your nightstand to put your bag down and saw the plate of food Fred brought to you earlier that you never ate and you broke down. why was this so hard, you had only been at school 3 days. you hated this thing with you and Fred and you hated yourself. you grabbed the plate of food and threw it into the garage and kept repeating to yourself. "you are not hungry you are not hungry" and you sobbed. you went into the bathroom and took off your shirt and skirt and started at your body and just sobbed harder. you just wanted the weight gone. you went to go put some pj's on which were leggings and Fred shirt again and you sobbed even harder now. you didn't want him as only a friend, why didn't he like you. you correlated it to your weight you said it was because you didn't look like Audrey. it was horrible. and for the second time since you've been at school you cried yourself to sleep.

the next five days went on pretty much the same, you avoiding Fred at all cost and fighting yourself not to eat. you skipped all the meals and just blamed it on not wanting to see Fred. George asked you about skipping meals and you lied.you told him you were eating. but he believed you because he trusts you. he was worried because him and Fred knew about your ED, the rest of the group however did not. though you were finally starting to lose weight you were falling apart. you were just so tired all the time. but you told everyone you have just been packed with schoolwork and it was exhausting. but one person saw right through all your lies.

maybe a little. // fred weasley x readerWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu