Blake and I

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Blake and I technically met during my 7th grade year once at some middle school event. Even though we were standing right next to each other we didn't say a single word to each other. Now skip ahead two years until we arrive at my freshmen year and guess who was in the pit together? I would be on the rack while Blake was right next to me playing his bass guitar. Finally Blake and I got around to talking and we found out we were into a lot of the same stuff.

We were both fans of Back To The Future, James Bond and a couple of other movies, as well as music. We would hang out every so often on band trips. Now because I was a very quiet person Blake didn't know how loud I could get my voice. And one day on the way back from a marching event I yelled something out. I can't exactly remember what though and Blake just looked at me and was like "Wow Joseph that was pretty fracking loud" and I just laughed. When it came time for Blakes graduation I really wasn't sure I'd ever see him again.

Then I saw Blake later during the summertime, he was also a member of the band Avedis, Caleb, and I were in. After the band broke up I didn't see him for a while until my graduation when I heard my name get called and I looked over and Blake was there. Later during that summer we got together to make some music which we did a bit and then I played Goldeneye 64 for the first time and sucked. That was the last I saw him in person but we still message each other every now and then.

We're trying to get together so he can show me how to play the guitar. Now time for some quick facts about Blake and I. Blake made an epic cover of the James Bond theme. When I asked Blake which I should learn first, electric guitar or bass guitar he said bass and so I did. Blake and I both disliked the stand up bass, although I think I hated it just a little more than him.  

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