Angel and I

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Now we move to perhaps one of my oldest friends. I've known them since 6th grade and they've become somewhat of a sister to me. Like I said we met while I was in 6th grade and she was in 7th. We met via the bus ride we had home, I saw one of my friends talking to her. He introduced us and eventually we became the best of friends. Eventually that friend moved and never went on that bus again.

Since it was just us we started talking a little bit more and found out we both liked the same music. We sat by each other on the bus and listened to music from the POS I had at the time... oh sorry I mean the iPod. We mainly listened to the same two songs over and over, Footloose by Kenny Loggins and Footloose by Blake Shelton. Eventually I bought some more songs and what not. Some of our favorites were Markiplier's five nights song, Bitch I'm Fabulous, Jacksepticeye's All The Way, She's A Lady by Tom Jones and many others.

It became our thing to sit by each other every time we rode the bus together and listen to music. We pretty much became those friends that tell each other anything and everything. Like I told her how I would have a crush on one of her friends, she'd tell me things I wish I could unhear. And of course we always made jokes. When my freshmen year rolled around and I started my YouTube channel she had the idea that every Friday we could record a vlog on the bus after school. So we did, sadly most of those videos are gone (thanks for nothing YouTube).

Every week we would record a bus vlog (that's what we called them) and talk about how our week went. We got around to the idea of perhaps answering comments from the previous bus vlog but there never were any. Eventually we had around 70 bus vlogs. Or at least we would've if a lot of them didn't suddenly and mysteriously disappear. Anyway about part way through my junior year my family was being evicted from our house and I wouldn't be riding the bus with Angel anymore.

By the time it happened I was half way through my junior year. I saw her on occasion and hung with her and her boyfriend Joel and some of their friends. Still I got to see her graduate and was proud of her, she told me thanks for being the cool brother she never had. The last time we saw each was at my graduation but I don't remember what or even if we said anything to each other.

Now here's a few quick facts about my friend Angel and I. Joel was always jealous of me sitting by her on the bus everyday, which was pretty stupid because I had no interest in dating her. I had huge crushes on three of Angel's friends throughout the years, the first was Alexis, she was my crush for sometime during my 6th grade year. The second was AnnElise she was my crush for all of my freshmen year. And the third was her friend Annabelle for parts of my Junior year.

One time Angel had to go to a play that the school was putting on and didn't want to go alone and Joel was unavailable so she asked me to go. I kept distracting her from her work by making stupid jokes. No we didn't always sit by each other on the bus, there were days she would sit by one of her other friends on the bus... ok JOEL!?! 

My Friends And ITempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang