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Sasuke was shocked, for a moment, at the power behind her strike as he landed on his butt, sliding until his back hit a tree. Sasuke smiled sadly, with guilt, as he stared at Hinata's raging figure. Her chest heaved up and down sporadically, her chakra flaring up wildly, her byakugan were activated, a strange blue glow flickered within.

"Stand up" Hinata growled out angrily. Naruto smiled wryly, behind her.

Standing up, slowly, Sasuke winced as he felt his collapsed lung fill with air once again. In the blink of an eye, Hinata was in front of him, a juken strike headed straight for his head, while there was no chakra within it, her strike was still plenty fatal. Sasuke did not bother to dodge, closing his eyes and accepting whatever awaited him.

A whistle of wind brushed past his ear and, right beside his head, he heard a dull thud. Opening his eyes, Sasuke was met with the tearful face of Hinata, whose face was twisted in a grimace that looked to be a mix between rage and heartbreak. The tree behind Sasuke now sported a large hole.

" How could you..." Hinata whispered, but her voice contained large amounts of venom along with equal parts betrayal. "After all that we've been through together... after all that we've done for you. After all that Naruto-kun has done for you..." Hinata's voice broke as her rage gave way to anguish, tears now flowing freely down her face.

" Imouto.. I'm so sorry.. I'm such a teme" Sasuke also allowed tears to fall as he lifted his hand to wipe away her tears. Hinata allowed him to wipe away her tears before growing angry, once again.

" You teme! You tried to abandon us and kill Naruto. You don't get to feel sorry for yourself" Hinata growled, sending a juken right for his kidney. "Fight back teme-nii" Hinata growled in the middle of her strike.

Sasuke smiled sadly, activating his Sharingan, he quickly substituted with a *plot amour* log that happened to be nearby. As he was settling in he was surprised to find that Hinata was already on his tail. Rolling out of the way of another juken strike, and slapping one off of its course, Sasuke settled into the rhythm of the battle.

Hinata, not to be underestimated, drastically raised the speed of her attacks, throwing Sasuke off, but not for long as his Sharingan allowed him to read her attacks. However, although he could read her attacks, he could only barely dodge most of her attacks while he allowed the rest to hit what he could sacrifice. Hinata was naturally faster than he was and could accurately hit her intended target despite her high speeds.

Sasuke allowed some of his chakra to flow into his limbs, giving him the boost he needed to match her speeds, however, while her movements were free-flowing and refined, Sasuke's movements were jerky and not as accurate. While his Sharingan allowed him more precise control, along with his own natural ability, he still could not match Hinata.

Naruto, who had been enjoying the show from the sidelines, let out a soft sigh. "Alright, Hina-hime, let off of him" Naruto commanded softly. Hinata, who had already blown off steam, halted her strike before allowing her arms to cross under her chest, which heaved with exertion. Sasuke was only slightly better, smiling awkwardly as he deactivated his eyes and righted his breathing.

"Hina-Hime, you did quite a number on our brother, here," Naruto said mirthfully as he approached her from behind and caressed her cheek, sending some of his chakra into her, calming and effectively ending her tiredness.

"Naruto-nii..." Sasuke whispered, remorse flooding his coal eyes. His gaze unconsciously wandered towards the chest of his brother, his mind filled with disgust as he felt as though his arm was once again piercing his brother. Feeling sticky and covered in blood, the scent of iron filled his nose as he forgot where he was. His breathing picked up to hyperventilation as he was thrust back into his nightmare. "No, nonononononono-" Sasuke fell to his knees, hyperventilating, as he held his right arm, blood trailing down his cheeks-

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2022 ⏰

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