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Before consciousness there was nothing. All-encompassing and all-consuming. Born within the nothingness was something, a thing called consciousness which in turn made nothing into something, in turn, giving birth to thoughts. 

'How long have I been out?' His question floated aimlessly into the abyss. Not expecting an answer, Naruto allowed his eye to open. Taking in his surroundings, Naruto stood, albeit wobbly, and patted off any dirt on himself. 

"So I'm only conscious in my mind..." Naruto mused as he walked forward. Stopping at the large fox baring down at him. Naruto looked up, making eye contact with the primordial being. Smirking at each other, the two friends shared a fist bump.

"You know, I almost thought the Uchiha brat was going to get you, in the end," Kurama spoke freely, not worried about any harm befalling him, due to his bluntness. Naruto smirked.
"To be honest... I did too" He answered, unashamed in what most would see as a weakness.
"Would you have really let him kill you if he was dead set on following that path?" Kurama asked him, his tone grisly. 

"If it meant my brother would be strong enough to face anything that would get in his way? Absolutely." Naruto answered, unapologetically, the utter conviction in his tone allowing the walking natural disaster to understand how loyal he is to the boy.

" And what of your mate?" Kurama inquired. "What if she had set out for revenge? Making her an object in his way." Naruto paused; he truly had no answer to his question.
"I-I don't know" Naruto whispered, torn. He hadn't thought that deeply, what if his selfishness had driven his two most precious people against each other? 

"Your mate is awaiting your awakening, kit" Kurama added, breaking Naruto from his, not doubt depressing, musings. Naruto nodded, absentmindedly. 

Shutting his eyes, only to open them once again; this time, Naruto was greeted by the now elated face of Hinata, who's eyes were puffy from crying. Putting on the most genuine smile he could muster. Naruto drew her into his arms rubbing her back as she sobbed into his chest, unbothered by the pain in the whole of his body that protested his every movement.


Staring at, her, Naruto-Kun; Hinata could do nothing but let her tears flow, freely, as she observed his shallow breathing and broken figure. The person she loves with all her heart, the strongest person she knows, the person who pushed her to become stronger, and the only person who believed in her was now laid out, half-dead, which a hole in his chest the size of a fist. 

Fear gripped at her heart with every bated breath of his. Whenever she thought about the person who did this to him.. the person who was something akin to a brother to her, who was supposed to be closer still to Naruto, her heart would fill with a bitter, rage that brought out thoughts that were a far cry from her normal gentle personality, thoughts that scared her. But, she embraced them still; If Naruto did not survive this, kami forbid, she would hunt Sasuke down to the ends of the earth to send him after Naruto, where she will follow, whether or not it was her time mattered naught. But, if Naruto survived, she would follow his lead, in this case. 

If he chose to forgive their brother then she would, with much difficulty, try and do the same, although she would likely never trust him with Naruto's life. However, if Naruto chose to avenge himself then she would be right by his side to help him up, after all, was said and done.
While the angry part of her hopes that Naruto would wake with a taste for vengeance, the rational part of herself knew that if he woke he would accept their brother back with accepting and forgiving arms. To be honest, while she was bitter with Sasuke about his actions, she, too, wanted her wayward brother figure.

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