Class:7: Past Times

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  • Dedicated to all my school friends from now and before

Friends of now and tomorrow,

Will you not share in my happiness and sorrow ?

Won't you be there for me ?

Cause a friend in need

Is a friend indeed.

Together we won't be forever,

I know that for certain.

Because for some of us ,

The curtains might draw close.....

Faster than others.

School days will pass,

In the blink of an eye.

Which just goes to show —-

How precious time is,

When you can't make it slow.

There will come a time,

When we all will separate—-

Each going down their respective paths.

Maybe for some of us ,

The time spent in the past was all a waste.

Others still might look over their shoulders,

And say, " Hey, those days weren't that bad ."

Most of us will live, all wrapped up,

In the now and the present of the future.

But I hope you'll all find a minute,

Or perhaps a second to spare,

To remember me.

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