Class 10 : Acceptance

36 3 1

Be satisfied,

With what you're given,

With what you're born,

Don't let them scorn.

Be satisfied,

'Cause the results are predetermined.

Believe in yourself,

Believe you'll not fall behind.

Whatever the outcome,

Don't despair,

Don't think no one cares,

What's done is done.

You know you've done your best,

So get that bundle of worry off your chest.

Whatever happens next,

Is beyond your control.

So, take a stroll and clear your head.

Stop blaming yourself, you're not better off dead.

Pay no heed, to your greed.

Be satisfied with what you get.

'Cause God will decide what you need.

Author's Note: This poem is an inspiration that came to me during the gruelling week before my 10th grade half-yearly exams ( my last school exam) upon whose results depended my future college applications. I was scared out of my mind that my preparations weren't enough, that I should have started studying seriously a long time back and not just a week before exams, that I was sure to fail etc etc. A lot of worries, doubts, regrets gave birth( literally lol) to this poem .

My heart goes out to any O level examinees or any type of examinees for that fact , who're beating themselves up for not doing enough. My advice is in this poem, I may be a hypocrite for writing this , since I myself have not yet learnt this lesson . However I hope, as every writer does ,that I have helped someone out there with my words and feelings.

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