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Paul lightly taps his fingers on the table.
His expression is light and people around the inn are staring at him.

'Such a fine man.'

'What a handsome guy.'

'Look at those clothes. He must be from a rich family.'

'He is so handsome and he looks very kind.'

Though Paul is already 45.
He came from a good family and maintained his posture perfectly.
Enchanting naive women in his bed.
He often messed with village girls who are eager to climb the bed of a man from the capital only to be thrown away in the end.

In the capital, rumors about him killing a young bride after a rigorous intercourse. But since their family is not simple, there is no more news about it.

If there is no more news about it in the capital, how would villagers know about it?

A waitress lightly puts the tea down.
Her hands are a bit shaky.
Her eyes are staring at Paul with twinkling in her eyes.

Paul lowers his eyes and smiles lightly.
"Thank you."

"Si--sir, you look a bit lonely." The woman said,trying to talk more to this man.

Paul grins.
"I am. My nephew didn't come to see me as he promised."

"How rude of him! He doesn't even respect his elderly!" The woman appeals.

Paul smiles and takes a sip.
To be honest he is bored at this small and stinky town.
But he can't go back without achieving anything or his father will get mad at him again.

Paul looks at the woman besides him who keeps talking to gain his attention.
Of course what he is staring at is her body.
It is barely passable.
What he wanted to put his hand on eagerly is the Gent on Wally's house.
Such a beauty should be pinned below him.
He breathes deeply thinking of how he would ravish that cute little thing and made him blush again and again.
Since he is already aroused he has to release his frustration.
But the courtesan in this place is no longer palatable.


The woman stops talking and stares at Paul.

"Do you know where I can watch the beautiful moon?"

The woman blushes with Paul's staring at him.

"Of course Sir."

"Will you join me for a walk?"

"M-me?" The woman asks but her eyes are already accepting the invitation.


"Shh…" Wally said.

Geo covers his mouth as he tries not to leak a sound. 
Wally wakes up in the middle of the night seeing his wife in the receiving area solving his issue.

Of course a good husband will help his wife.
But they got a bit overboard and now in their third round.

Geo grins inside.
Lately Wally was on a strict diet in their intercourse. He is not happy with it but his husband is too cute when he looks concerned about him.

Now that this man was once again provoked by someone who is eyeing and him, his wife.
Wally will indulge him over and over again.

Geo sighs.

Wally looks up while he cleans Geo's body.

"What's wrong? Are you hurting anywhere?" Wally asks and immediately checks his temperature.

Geo chuckles.
"No. I am fine."

Wally is glad.
He smiles and pinches his cheek.
"Why are you sighing? Did I not satisfy you?"

Geo blushes a bit and slaps Wally's shoulder.

Wally grins.

Geo snorts then he wraps his arms around Wally.
"It's just...I was thinking how long will you do this again. You are too much, I've been hungry."

It's now Wally's turn to blush.
"You idiot. Only thinking about it all day."

"And all night." Geo added.

Wally laughs and kisses his lips.
"As long as you are not tired."

"Eh? Really?"

Wally pats his cheek.

"You said that! You can't take it back!" Geo eyes are full of happiness.
Wally finds Geo's giggling cute and beautiful.

He can't help hugging him.
"I love you." He said kissing his forehead.

Geo laughs.
"I love you too. I love you and Lwon and our future baby. I love you. I love you!" Geo said and kissed Wally every word.

Wally smiles.
There is no need for anything or anyone else.
They are happy the way they are now.

The two sleep at each side of Leon. Though Wally can't hug his wife, he is content in staring at him as he falls asleep.

The next morning, Wally knows he can't avoid his Uncle forever.
Wally is obviously hiding his wife against his Uncle.

Even a dense person will see Wally's aversion toward him.

"Is there some misunderstanding?" Paul asks.

Wally blinks.
He realized that his acting is a bit sloppy.
"What do you mean Uncle?"

Paul shakes his head.
A gentleman will not say what's wrong upfront.
"Nothing. I just felt you are a bit distant with me."
Paul sadly lowers his eyes.

It made Wally feel irritated but he hides it.

"You are thinking too much Uncle. I am just a bit busy this time of the year."
Wally is impatient to throw him out of the house.

Geo and Leon are outside playing  with the chicken.

"I see." Paul sighs.
Since he doesn't know that his cover has been blown he is irritated inside about this nephew's defiance against him but he can only coax him.
"Don't worry about me. I just want to spend more time with you and your family."

If Wally didn't know what this man said behind their back he would surely be happy to hear that. But now all he could think of this man trying to spend time with his wife?
He can spend more time with his long knife but not with his wife..

"Uncle, the countryside is not convenient. When are you going back to the capital?"

Paul's hand holding the tea shakes a bit.
Wally is asking him to leave?
He recalled his performance and never did show any sign of his real feelings. How could this ingrate try to send him away?

"Wally, truth be told I came here because I want to talk about your grandfather."

"Hm…" Wally already made up his mind that he has no need for those relatives in that part. So the title Grandfather doesn't make any waves in his emotion.
He just stared at Paul waiting for him to continue.

Paul felt irritated inside with the lack of emotion in Wally.
He takes a deep breath.

"Your grandfather is really ill and he wanted to see you."


Free Kiss


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