We got both of the kids into my jeep and strapped in. I gave Mason my keys and let him drive us to his parents house. They didn't live very far away so it didn't give me any time to ease my nerves.

Sitting in the trunk of my jeep is a box that has two onesies and a plague in the bottom of it. As soon as someone opens it, they will see what it all says. Mason was just going to set the box on the counter and see who opens it first. Whoever opens it will hopefully get everyone's attention and they will all find out. If his dad opens it first, heaven help us all.

As we pull into the driveway, I see that we are the last ones here. Even the crew beat us! A few of the crew members that have been working for them for awhile is joining the dinner. I know Greg, Hayes and Callum are. I'm not for sure if there are any more.

We get out and I take Carter while Mason carries Layla. He grabs the box with his other hand and we walk inside. We were met instantly with the smell of turkey cooking. I tried to not smell anything just incase a smell triggered it.

Mason set the box down in the living room for now and we carried the kids into the kitchen/dining area where everyone was. "Ah there's my other grand babies." Bridget says as she comes and grabs Layla. Chris grabs Carter from me which allows Mason and I to sit down. He sits down first and I was going to sit beside of him but he pulls me down onto his lap.

"So have you guys planned a date yet?" Lacey asks and we both shake our heads. After finding out we were pregnant again, we decided that we would wait until after the twins are here to have the wedding. I didn't want to be bloated during my wedding, I wanted to fit into my dress perfectly.

"Not yet." Mason answers her.

"You guys need to hurry up. I want to call Avery my sister!" She tells us and I give a small chuckle. Growing up with both brothers, Lacey loves having Amber and I around.

"She already is your sister basically. Just because we aren't married yet, we will within a few years." Mason tells her and she shrugs while she stirs the beans. "How long until it's done?" Right when he said that, the open beeped.

"Right now." She responded as she pulled the turkey out. Bridget helped cut the turkey and we all helped bring the dishes to the table before finding a seat and sitting down. I had Carter asleep on my lap and Layla was on Masons lap, eating mashed potatoes and whatever else Mason let her have.

We made small talk over dinner. Mostly about the upcoming race season and the new track. Also about Mason and Is wedding. I didn't really want to talk about it since we didn't know when we wanted to have it yet. It wasn't that big of a deal to us. We basically acted like we were already married. Living together and having kids together.

Finally after desert, the box was noticed. Lacey was the one to find it and she sat it onto the counter while she opened it. I watched in fear as her eyes went wide. "Seriously!? Who!?" She practically yelled from excitement.

"What? What is it?" Bridget asked as she got up and looked. She put her hand over her mouth and looked at Chris and Amber first before looking at Mason and I.

"What are you staring at us for?" Chris asked in confusion.

"It's not yours and Amber's?" Lacey asked and he shook his head. He was still confused. "Oh my god!" Lacey ran to me and hugged me, being careful of the now awake Carter.

"What's all of this about?" Mark said. Bridget held up the box and showed everyone the inside.

"Dude seriously? Do you not know how to use condoms?" Chris asked Mason. Mason flipped him off while Amber let out a small squeal and hugged me.

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