The Room of Requirement--Chapter 18.

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"All Student Organizations are henceforth disbanded. Any student in noncompliance will be expelled," roared Umbridge's voice over the intercom. (Y/N) and Hermione were in the study when the announcement was made, "Blimey, that woman is a nightmare," (Y/N) scoffed. Hermione nodded her head in agreement, distraught. 

They continued to work in the study. They had been tracing different locations and brainstorming ideas on where they could learn defensive magic. "So, you and Neville," Hermione inquired. "We're friends, Hermione," (Y/N) chuckled awkwardly. 

"I saw those tulips he gave you the other morning," Hermione smirked. "I had been in the wing and, it was after my vision. I wasn't feeling great, so he brought me some flowers. Nothing special about it," She retorted.

"Well, speak of the devil! Hey, Neville," Hermione said, smirking even more. "H-Hey guys! I think I found something!" He exclaimed. They grabbed all of their friends and ran over to the area Neville had been speaking on.

They walked in to see a wide spacious room. There were books on defense and many dummies around. It was absolutely perfect! "You have done it, Neville! You've found the room of requirement! Also known as the come and go room. It only appears when a person has real need of it and is always equipped for the seeker's need. 

"So, say you really needed the toilet?" Ron inquired. "Charming, Ron. But yes, that is the general idea," Hermione replied. "It is brilliant! It's like Hogwarts wants us to fight back!" Harry said, clearly overjoyed. "This is amazing, Nev," (Y/N) spoke, making Neville blush wildly.

And so, it begun. Every night, and sometimes during the day, they would learn new spells and tricks from Harry. The first was expelliarmus, something Neville seemed to struggle with. Every time he would fail to get it, he would beat himself up. "God, Im hopeless," He muttered.

"No! Magic is complicated and takes time. You are many things Neville, but hopeless, is not one of them," (Y/N) reassured him. They learned many spells, and Harry truly was an excellent teacher. But Filch was starting to catch on to their little meetings, and of course, informed Umbridge.

And with their hidden meetings, came more rules. Umbridge submitted many students to questioning, she created an Inquisitorial Squad, and had students lurking around, trying to stop their learning. But, time and time again, they failed. These wizards and witches were invincible, and they were learning more than ever.

And with time, Neville was able to perform "Expelliarmus". (Y/N) could not be more proud of his improvement as a wizard. Not only his, but all of the students. At the rate they were going, they were going to be ready to fight Voldemort.

Unfortunately, over the holiday, they were not planning to continue lessons. (Y/N) was slightly disappointed, but they had made a lot of progress, and she wasn't worried about taking a break. "Amazing, Isn't it?" Neville exclaimed, "All this learning, we're getting pretty good, Eh?" He continued.

"Yeah, Nev, we really are," She agreed, smiling brightly. And so, everyone went their separate ways. (Y/N) spent her short-lived holiday at Hogwarts, while Neville stayed with his Gran. When the students returned after Christmas time, though, the school was in a buzz.

"MASS BREAKOUT FROM AZKABAN!" The newspapers read. (Y/N) looked through them, as many others did, at breakfast time. World-renowned Death Eaters had escaped from Azkaban, which could only mean danger for all students of Hogwarts.

(Y/N)'s heart dropped when she looked to see Bellatrix Lestrange's face plastered along the front cover. Neville had told (Y/N) in their third year all about the madwoman and how she tortured his parents. She immediately looked up to see him. His face was pale and horror-struck. He got up angrily and stormed out of the hall, Harry following quickly behind him.

After many seconds of vigorous debate, (Y/N) stopped eating and decided to follow them. She slowly slipped into the room of requirement and saw Harry and Neville staring at a photo taped to the mirror. She quickly hid behind one of the dummies, trying not to disturb them. 

"I am quite proud to be their son," Neville spoke with much confidence. (Y/N) couldn't bear the thought of what he must be going through. "We are going to make them proud, Neville. That is a promise." Harry replied. And after a couple of seconds, they left the room. 

(Y/N) slipped out from behind the dummy, and looked at the mirror Harry and Neville had been facing. She traced her hand along a photo of the order and immediately recognized Frank and Alice Longbottom. They looked so joyful and brave, and she knew Neville was to turn out just like them. 

That night, Harry had decided to teach the students how to perform a Patronus charm. It was a difficult charm that took lots of concentration and energy. Neville flicked his wand, and spurts of blue released, but not his Patronus. "How about you give it a go, (Y/N)? Try thinking of your happiest memory!" Neville spoke.

(Y/N)'s mind went straight to the Yule Ball. The feeling of being in Neville's arms and the feeling of being protected. And with the flick of her wand, there it was. The blue misty Dolphin swam through the air, dancing and bringing life. Neville gleamed at her, proudly. "You're brilliant, (Y/N)!" He exclaimed.

Suddenly, the lights began to flicker, and the room began to shake. (Y/N)'s Patronus was whisked away into the air. The glass before the doorway began to shatter, leaving exposed bricks. Students cried in fear, completely puzzled as to what was going on. Neville grabbed (Y/N) and moved her behind his shoulder, moving her from the doorway.

Suddenly, the wall blew. Thousands of tiny pieces flew throughout the room. The smog filled the air, causing many students to cough. And through the rubble and smoke, Umbridge and her minions appeared. "Get them!" She yelled.

The students, apart from Harry, were caught and escorted to their common rooms. And the next day, word had broken out. Dumbledore had gone missing, and Dolores Umbridge took his place as Headmaster of Hogwarts.

The school went into an absolute lockdown. Boys and girls could not be between 6 inches of each other, The paintings of Hogwarts were to be removed, and all of the classroom doors had great seals, permitting anyone from coming in.

The class format was greatly different as well. Each student had one desk that was spaced out from everyone else. During Defense Against the Dark Arts, Dolores would sit on her throne, towering over the students.

All of the students were fed up. Especially Fred and George. When it was the day of OWL'S examinations, everyone was in class, struggling through the trivial test. Suddenly, they had heard loud banging. After a couple of moments, Umbridge stormed to the back of the classroom, opening the door. 

As she stood, a small spark danced around her face. It then flew to the classroom, creating a beautiful firework in the sky. Umbridge looked out and saw nothing, and the students were left puzzled. After a few moments, though, Fred and George Weasley soared in on their brooms, releasing hundreds of beautiful and colorful fireworks into the room.

Students tossed their exams into the air, racing around the room, egging on the brothers. Neville looked to (Y/N), who was staring at Umbridge, laughing her arse off. She couldn't get over the furious look stapled onto the stout woman's face.

"Ready!" Fred yelled, releasing a large firework into the air. A ginormous dragon-shaped firework filled the room, chasing Umbridge out. It snapped its jaws, and all of her decrees she had made and plastered fell from the sky, shattering.

The students immediately raced out of the room and into the courtyard. They cheered and cheered for Fred and George, who were still releasing fireworks into the sky. (Y/N) and Neville screamed out of pure joy, practically jumping up and down.

But when (Y/N) looked over her left shoulder and saw Harry, her smile soon faded to a look of shock and worry. He fell to the ground, panting and shaking. She recognized it immediately. He was having a vision, but it was nothing like the ones (Y/N) had experienced. His eyes were wide open, as if he were flashing between reality and his dream. He was completely aware that what he was seeing was a vision or some sort of dream.

Then, Harry began to mutter,


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