Obi-wan Kenobi

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"You must breath y/n"
Master Kenobi repeated himself for the 14th time, his arms around mine holding my lightsaber trying to help me block blaster fire.
I on the other hand wanted to throw something, His constant repetition, and how good looking he his was getting on my last nerve, he was the perfect Jedi so I knew whatever I was thinking about would never happen.
"Alright let's stop for now, clearly you're not listening to me"
He sighed, somehow ticking me off even further
"I am Listening Master!"
I shouted louder than I meant too but that didn't really matter as He didn't even turn back to me, he just kept walking away once he shut the door and I was alone my frustrations got the better of me.
I let out the most primal scream that was stuck in me and punched a wall, My knuckles started bleeding by the time I slid down next to the wall.
"Want to do something fun?"
My friend Adrianna, someone who I would lovingly call a rat gave me her hand, somehow just appearing out of no where.
I took her hand and she handed me, my dark brown cloak.
"We are going to take out a Sith Lord in training"
She was leading me to the shuttle bay, at this point I wasn't going to argue as I pulled my hood down.
"We're going to steal a shuttle, go to Nexus, where a Sith is training and you'll kill him, while I stop the nuclear power station they have going down there"
She whispered, as we walked past a few random guards they didn't stop us but I didn't want to test whatever luck we have going so I didn't respond as we got into a shuttle miraculously without being interrupted.


"We're Jedi, we're here to help"
I took the lead on Nexus, the planet was beautiful but that wasn't something I was concerned about.
"We need you to help us, where is Darth Veritas?"
One of them weakly pointed behind some giant metal doors. I looked towards Adrianna, she nodded and I went towards the door opening it using the force I left her to do what she needed.
I wasn't expecting it but evidently they were keen to keep him hidden, I think I had already gone through 16 doors when an alarm sounded, signifying that Adrianna was successful, she ran threw the door behind me
"You need to stop doing that"
She pulled out her green lightsaber, keeping at an attack position just as I had.
"Let's Go"
She now led the way, until we arrived in a temple like room. A hooded figure turned to us on the floor, I immediately recognized the Yellow eyes of the sith.
Any momentary panic dissolved very quickly as I went to attack mode. Adrianna took the first swing, he blocked it gracefully, as the fight continued I began to feel very thankful for everything Obi-wan had taught me.
I yelled when Adriannas defense came down, and he tore his lightsaber threw her front. When she collapsed he looked over at me for only a moment before continuing the fight.
Despite the adrenaline pumping through my veins my thoughts went back to Obi-wan more specifically if he knew I was gone yet, would he care if I didn't comeback from this?
I almost stopped when his lightsaber hit my shoulder, but I knew I couldn't stop, not now. He kept landing more and more hits on me, I could feel the burning flesh on my stomach, arms, and legs ache as I kept trying to fight.
"You must breath y/n"
I suddenly understood more why Obi-wan always told me to breath.
There was enough distance between us that I could stop, I cleared my mind and let my lightsaber fall to the floor, once I did that I could hear him charge at me but using the force I shoved him back, throwing his lightsaber from his hand I picked mine up before jumping on him sinking it into his heart.
I made sure he was dead, before picking up Adrianna carrying her still, but not lifeless body.


It was night time when I returned, the shuttle was still in good condition not like it's occupants.
Before I landed I could see a small landing party, when I got closer I recognized Obi-wan, Mace Windu, and Yoda along with 3 medics.
I picked up Adrianna who was still out cold, and waited until the doors opened I got only a few steps away until the medics took her from me.
I didn't realize how weak I was until I fell down, not unconscious but in lots of pain.
This Time Obi wan picked me up,
"You're an irresponsible, reckless, stupid, idiot y/n how could you do something like this, I know your friend is persuasive but I thought I taught you better than this"
Obi-wan was going off like a worried mother until I stopped us both
"Obi-wan, please just do us both a favor and shut up!"
I could barely but I tried to shout at him, that seemed to quiet him right down until he took me to my quarters.
"Why aren't we going to a medic?"
I opened the doors and Obi-wan carried me straight to my bedroom.
"I'm cleaning you up myself, I need to talk to you anyways"
He went to my bathroom and grabbed all stuff he would need. I didn't really care when he took off most of my robes, except for the last layer opting to just pull my under shirt up.
"Why did you go with her? You know you're not fully trained"
I hissed in pain as he cleaned up some of my burns
"Because I was mad okay, I wasn't thinking clearly and just wanted to fight and I guess prove something to myself"
He kept his facial expression blank, but he was starting to push quite hard against my arm.
"Y/n, you do not need to prove yourself especially doing something stupid and almost getting yourself and another killed"
He started to wrap a bandage around me, holding me up with the force.
"Oh really! Cause I seemed to be a pretty big disappointment to you before"
I didn't think about what I said when he looked me dead in the eye
"You're not a failure y/n, I hold you by a very high standard, you're learning and I should've respected that I'm sorry"
He let go of me and went to put away the bandages.
"I still don't understand why, I mean we could have just talked it out"
I cut him off, putting that sick feeling in my stomach aside
"Do you ever find yourself staring at someone you know you shouldn't, but you can't bring yourself to look away"
I didn't want to keep going, part of me just wanted to run for the door and not look back.
"You like me, don't you?"
I nodded, avoiding eye contact instead standing up to put on my robes Obi wan grabbed my wrist.
"Answer me"
"Yes okay, I like you but I know it's against the code okay"
Obi-wan looked like he was thinking only for a moment before he pulled me into him, for once letting go of my wrist and draping his arms around my waist.
"Maybe we should break the code together?"
I asked as we slowly got closer together until our noses were about to touch
"I can agree to that"
He smiled before closing the gap between us, I couldn't contain myself and neither could he as we kissed, when we pulled away I smiled and was about to speak when the door opened revealing a very upset looking R2-D2
He beeped up a storm, shaking like crazy
"Alright R2, No we were not! You have no proof!"

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