Chapter 6

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A week had passed, and y/n was filled with anxiety. Despite it, she refused to let it distract her from her job. Or her friends. Bakugou had tried to ask what the hell that was, but she'd made it clear she wasn't going to talk about it. Not now anyways. Her shop brought in good money, she was happy, and things were good. Why ruin it?

But the little fear in the back of her head was nagging her. 'If Tomura was involved, it's guaranteed he is as well...'  y/n shook her head of the thought. She had a job to do right now. Her hands worked effortlessly, and she could care less if they got dirty. She worked on an engine for a long time, before she finally stood back to admire her work as she wiped off her hands on her uniform. 

Grease marred her clothing. 

"Hey Sero!! You mind starting the car for me real quick?" The raven-headed boy with a crooked smile looked over, before nodding over to the drivers side. With a quick nod, the ignition started, and the car turned on. "Perfect," she smiled as smiled at the engine, running smoothly as her friend slipped out. "Thanks for the assist, tape face." She only smiled as Sero's shoulders slumped. 

"It was one time, amiga! Besides, you guys teamed up on me!" he whined, while the bark of a laugh rang out. Kirishima's shoulders were shaking as he laughed so hard that he fell on the ground. 

*"Ustedes chupan, vete a la mierda!"* he yelled out, while Kirishima only laughed harder. Y/n couldn't hold it in anymore as she began laughing loudly, so hard that her stomach began to ache. Her poor friend walked away with his fists clenched and angrily went to work, muttering Spanish under his breath. A ways away, Mina was trying her best to keep her hands steady as she worked on a paint job, despite the giggles escaping her body. Bakugou had his elbows on his knees as he buried his hand in head, trying to keep his composure, and then he lost it too; a genuine smile and laugh on his face while his eyes remained closed. 

She wished she could take a picture. After all, it was an extremely rare sight for him to be so carefree. 

But gods above, she remembered that day like it was yesterday. 

The day had been slow, with barely any cars coming in, so Kirishima had proposed that they prank Sero, who just so happened to be sleeping on the job. Not that she didn't blame him, it'd been a long night of racing, and partying as well. Despite how well Sero could hold his liquor, all of them had gone wayyy past their limits. 

It'd been common knowledge of the group to know that Sero was scared of spiders. And it just so happened that Kaminari had an entire bag of plastic bugs that he'd had for an honestly concerning amount of time. 

So while Bakugou held the spider and hid, Mina woke him up urgently. Once he was up on his feet, Bakugou came around the corner. A high pitched scream that they would forever tease him about had escaped his lips and the blonde chased Sero into a doorway, where Kirishima and her had put tape across it. He ended up running face first into it.

The best part? When they took off the tape, his eyebrows came off as well. 

She smiled through her laughter as she remembered the memory. The poor guy wore a beanie for about 2 months, and Mina had even walked in on him trying to draw his eyebrows on with make-up. He failed by the way, miserably. It looked like two worms had wiggled their way across his face and shit on it. His eyebrows had grown back, but now he constantly waves his hand in front of doorways to make sure there isn't anything there. Wouldn't want another incident to happen am I right?

Soon enough, the laughter died down, and the sounds of people working on vehicles and faint music was once again heard playing in the background. The occasional snort broke the silence every now and then, and y/n kept her smile, but it was nice. Peaceful, even.

So naturally, it had to get ruined.

A sleek black lamborghini pulled into the parking lot, clad in red crimson rims, the license plate reading "HotWing" and the windows tinted so dark, she was sure pretty sure it was illegal. Then it clicked, and y/n groaned out loud, knowing EXACTLY who owned a car like that. Walking away from the workshop, she stood in the entrance of one of the garage doors, arms crossed and lips curled into a sneer.

Out stepped Keigo Takami, still unnervingly attractive as ever. Messy blonde hair that looked like he just rolled out of bed, unfairly good eyeliner, and a cocky smirk that was bound to make any woman swoon? It was a recipe for disaster. As always, he wore a tight black t-shirt, dark wash skinny jeans, combat boots, topped off with a brown leather jacket, the back having the design of red wings.

Out of the corner of her eyes, she could see Mina practically drooling at the sight. Sure, the guys here were good looking, but eventually, you get used to it. This guy? As Mina would say, "That's not a snack! That's a whole goddamn meal!" True to her (imaginary) words, she was pretty much devouring the guy with her eyes. He noticed, of course, the cocky bastard. He even went so far as to flash a smile and a wink her way, to which Mina all but fainted at.

Curse him and his good looks.

"Keigo. How nice to see you," she sarcastically stated. If y/n had ever learned from him, it was to never  let him know you thought him attractive. If you do, you're done; you become a birds prey, prone to his looks and weak at the knees of what he could do.

Not that he couldn't back up his words. He was arrogant in his looks because he knows he's attractive, so why not make that clear? Confidence was Keigo Takami.

"Hey baby bird. What's up?" He stuffed his hands in his pockets, stopping in front of her and leaning against the wall of the garage.

Y/n cocked an eyebrow. No way he came to see her just to ask "What's up?" He got the gist, and proceeded to let her in on what he wanted.

"Alright fine, I give. I need your help, I swear I'll make it up to you, no matter what." He pleaded. With a slight cock of her head, he continued to explain. "I..I may or may not have let it slip I know who 'Hera' is to some, uhhh, lets say some really sketchy people. They want proof-"

The harsh sound of skin meeting skin echoed out, and y/n friends all snapped their heads towards the two, gaping when they noticed the hand mark beginning to turn red on the blonde's face. 

"How dare you! Should I slap you again Keigo? Do I need to slap you hard enough to knock some fucking sense in that dammed head of yours?!" She was livid. "Quickly! Close up this fucking place. I need to talk to you all." When no one moved a muscle, she almost lost it. "NOW DAMMIT!"

Harsh enough to make the man wince, she grabbed his ear and all but hurled him inside. Stunned, she rushed to his car,  watching as she parked it inside of the garage, before getting back out, working in a fury to close all of the doors. 

With only the florescent lights above to illuminate her, Keigo swallowed nervously at the look in her eyes.

If looks could kill, he'd be rotting away six feet underground.

*my spanish is honestly a lil rusty, but this should roughly mean "yall suck, fuck you!"*

A/N: IM BACK FROM THE DEAD YALL! I'm so sorry for taking so long, but its been a rough couple of months. From now on, I'll be sure to try and update regularly, either on Wednesday's or Saturday's, but it'll most likely be on weekends. Still working on an official schedule, but I assure yall, updates should be coming regularly now! Ciao<3

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