Chapter 1

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The familiar revving of engines sounded in my ears as I stood next my long time team that consisted of four other people. Arms crossed and my face set into a neutral expression, I waited for Bakugou to get to us. The sound of tires drifting around the final curve had me straightening my back when I saw the two cars competing for first during the final stretch. As I looked closer, I noticed that Bakugou was behind his opponent. 'Oh no no no no no, please don't do it please don't do it please don't it-'

As I prayed to whatever higher being there was, it appears my prayers weren't heard when Bakugou's speed had increased tenfold. I grit my teeth and narrowed my eyes in anger and annoyance as he ignited the NOS and crossed the finish line. While the crowd went wild, Kirishima, Mina, Kaminari, and Sero looked at me with apologetic glances. Katsuki Bakugou drifted his car in front of us, and I was damn near pissed. The hood of the car was smoking, again, and upon closer inspection, I noticed that even his tires had balded a bit.

With his arms raised above his head and a cocky smile on his face, he accepted the praise he received with suffering arrogance. Katsuki Bakugou had never lost a race in his 5 years of competing. Never. On the streets, he's called Ground Zero because his anger issues were not something to mess around with. Also because no matter how many people he's gone against, they never seem to figure out the pattern. 

He'd let them get ahead of them, let them get cocky and put it into their head that they'd finally beat the King, only to use NOS at the last second and leave them biting the dust as he finished miles ahead of them. Didn't matter if you were a guy, girl, no gender or whatever they hell you are, he'd always beat you. Bakugou Katsuki would rather die than go easy on somebody. 

(Dear racists, homophobes, transphobes, and others, this is Bakugou. Bakugou doesn't care who you are, he don't discriminate, he'll beat you anyways. Be like Bakugou kay? kay.)

No matter how many times it happened and how many times I told him to lay off on the NOS, he never listened. This had to have been the thousandth time he'd done this. Did I mention he refuses to race people with a single loss on their belt? Yeah, if they've already lost once, he won't go against them at all. Even if they offer a big ass bet, his motto was always ,"Once a loser, always a loser. Only winners get to go to the top," and boy did he live by that. Tonight was the night when he won against someone who'd been trying to overtake his title for years, and tonight he knocked them off the high horse they'd ridden upon.

"Oi oi oi, don't be so down ya extra," he looked around to the crowd, placing his arms onto the top of his car and let a smirk cross his face. The man he raced, Neito Monoma, grit his teeth in anger and began to approach him, fists clenched. Annoyed, I stepped forward and put my hand on his shoulder stopping him in his place. "Don't be such a sore loser," he laughed.

"Drop it Monoma," I pushed him away, sending him stumbling. His eyes scanned my body, the jumpsuit that I wore around my waist with the sleeves tied around it, the black tank top I wore, and the laced up boots I wore. With a glare at him, I bumped his shoulder and cocked my head to the side, signalling to my team that we're leaving. "Come on Bakugou. Since I have fix your fucking car again"

As I made my way to my bike, I heard the most annoying laugh I've ever heard. When I turned around, Monoma had this crazed look in his gray eyes and his voice was full of mocking. "Really Bakugou? You really let a bitch fight for you? Don't make me laugh," he spread his arms wide, waiting for someone to agree with him. No one did. He looked around confused, as if he was expecting some sort of praise for insulting me. Bakugou only shook his head, shoulders shaking in amusement as I walked up behind him, grabbed his shoulder, and punched him square in the jaw. He fell to the ground in pain, rubbing his face in confusion as the crowd collectively sucked in a breath through their teeth.

"Don't insult me, or so help me I will tie you to end of my bike and drag you behind it on the fucking freeway. Do I make myself clear you egotistical fuck?" I questioned, crouching down to the ground and grabbing his hair, forcing him to look into my eyes. "I said, do I make myself clear?" Each word was clipped and had an edge. Monoma didn't say anything, and could only nod in fear. With a grunt, I released my head on his hair and stood up. When I turned around, I stayed for a second, before turning around and kicking him in the side. He almost stood up to fight back, but one withering glare from me and he stayed down.

Walking back to my bike, I put on my helmet and climbed on. With a click on the ignition, it started up with a roar. 'That's my baby' 

Turning around, I looked behind me and saw everyone getting into their cars, save for Mina, who climbed on behind me. Her car still needed a couple repairs, so she hooked a ride with me. "Helmet on pinkie?" She chirped a muffled yes as she made sure her neon pink helmet was on securely, before wrapping her arms around my waist. Nodding my head in acknowledgment, I flipped down the visor on my matte black helmet and waited for Bakugou and the others to drive off, before following as well. 

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