Quick Info on Ya Girl

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Name: Y/N L/N

She a girl, but only cuz I have no idea how to write male characters off the top of my head *cue sobbing in the distance*

Age: 22
Birthday: November 25

Height: 5'7

Single (not for long tho-)

Profession: Mechanic, Racer on the Down Low

Mode of Transportation: 1977 Red Chevy Camaro, Black Kawasaki Bike

All personal traits are yours to fill in ie:

Hair, Hair Color, Eyes, Body Type, Skin Color, you know, all the shit that other fanfic authors seem to forget about and make "y/n" have blonde hair and blue eyes <3

Ya girl is a baddieee, has a lil anger issues, and when she goes out she dresses like her damn life depends on it 

Quick Stuff on the Bakugou:

Bakugou is 23, and 5'10 (yes i made him a bit taller, but can you blame me?)

Mans is such an adrenaline junkie 

Absolutely LOVES driving fast, is always using NOS but always fucks up his car because of it. 

Winning is like a drug to him, but I'm sure we all know that ;)

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