Daisy & Eugene

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It's raining. I had a feeling this morning that it was going to be slightly cloudy, but this? It's pouring down and my shoes that used to be white, aren't anymore. The bus is late as always and the wooden bench at the bus stop looks like it's about to fall apart any second now, it's so old and rotten, but it's still standing there after 20 years.

It takes another fifteen minutes for the bus to show up and when it does, it's pack full with people and everyone looks just about as stressed as I. I step on the bus and I hold on to the rail, then it starts so slowly move, when a boy outside soles running towards the vehicle.

He bangs on the window and yells at me to tell the bus driver, I get so stressed and panicked that I lose my grip on the rail and fall down on my but.

"Stop the bus!" I yell, the bus driver stops immediately and looks at me worriedly, just like everyone else on the bus. "I-... O-open the doors please."

The bus driver opens them and the boy stumbles onto the bus, he's soaking wet and it looks like his raincoat hasn't worked whatsoever. He looks at me and gives me a hand, I take it and pull myself up.

"Thanks" I whisper to him and puts my other hand on the rail once again, he shakes his head.

"Don't thank me. I'm the one who's supposed to thank you, so... thank you" he says and covers his right cheek with his hand, with the other hand he still holds mine. Then suddenly, it pulls away and he puts his hands in his pockets. "Sorry, I forgot."

I shake my head and laugh slightly at his nervousness, but to be fair, I didn't mind him holding my hand, although it was a bit strange.

"I'm Daisy" I say and wave a little to him, he waves back and introduces himself as Eugene. During the rest of the bus ride we're quiet, but we glance at each other every now and then and smile. Eugene has dimples, or acne scars, I can't really tell. But I do know for sure that he has a really nice smile. "So... good to meet you."

"Huh?" Eugene shakes his head and looks at me in confusion, he hasn't noticed that I'm about to step of the bus. "Oh, this is your stop?"

"Yup" I mumble and sway back and forth, he fumbles out his phone and hands it to me. "You want me to type in my phone number?"

"I-... I don't know, if you want to? Just in case."

"In case what, you miss the bus and need a ride?" I tease, Eugene smirks at me and shows of his pearly whites.

"Haha, you're very funny. I'll call you when I have a bad day."

"And if you need a ride." I take the phone and type in my phone number, name myself Daisy, the bus girl and give him back the phone. Then I step off the bus. "Call me!"

"I will!" Eugene calls for me and waves when the bus doors closes, when it goes away my heart is beating twice as fast as usually, but then I remember.

"Oh shit." I take a better grip on my bag and start running towards my school, but it's really fine, they're used to me being late.

A/N: I'm really nervous for your response! I really hope you liked it <3


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