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Horror films and thillers had never been yours or Harrison's thing, but for some reason, you had found yourself finishing one at around midnight. Bad idea. Look, you may have been an adult but that didn't make them not terrifying, and you were sure it was the same story for your husband.

Surprisingly, you were both able to get to sleep fairly easily. That was not to mean you stayed asleep.

At around two in the morning, you jolted awake. Dowsed in sweat and shaking with fear.

You sat there for a moment, catching your breathe after a petrifying nightmare, when you watched as Harrison's eyes snapped open just as your had done meer seconds ago.

"Baby are you OK?" He enquired, noticing your destressed state that mirrored his own.

"I think I would be more OK if we turned the lights on and never went to sleep ever again. What about you?" You responded in a jokily tone even though you were already running your fingers along the wall in a desperate attempt to locate the light switch.

"Agreed. In fact I think I can hear Arthur crying." He informed you. You presumed this was an excuse not to return to the inside of his eyelids, but you still attached your hearing aids and pretended to listen for a sound that you thought would never come.
You were wrong.

" No, I think that's Ethan, we better go and check." You corrected Harrison after genuinely hearing the screams of the infant.

You both quickly threw the covers off and darted across the unlit hallway towards the boy's bedroom.

Sadly, you had both been correct in your deductions as you were met by two wailing babies.

"Aww, what's wrong Artie? Are you hungry?" You ask Arthur, lifting him from the cot and holding his head to your chest in an attempt to soothe him as you made you way to the kitchen with an Ethan-bearing-Harrison.

Very unexpectedly, as it was the middle of the night, the phone started to ring. This made both you and Harrison jump out of your skins.

"You get the phone, I'll get the bottles." You directed him, pressing the start button on the bottle-warmer that sat atop the kitchen counter.

"Hello, Harrison Reid, who is this?" He asked down the line. Due to his recently formed trepidation and lack of sleep, he struggled to form sentences correctly.

"Brother for you." He stated, chucking you the phone.

You immediately started to worry. The only reasons you could think he would be calling you at this hour in the morning were that he was either in trouble or hurt. Neither of those options were pleasant.


Chappo, are you OK what's happened?

I'm so sorry I'm calling at like two in the morning but you know that crack in the ceilling?


Well it's less like a crack now and more like a massive hole.

Oh my gosh, are you alright?

I'm fine, I was just wondering if I could stay with you guys until its fixed because I'm not completely convinced that the rest of the ceiling isn't going to come tearing down.

Off course, you can stay with us for as long as you want, do you want to come over now?

If that's alright, I'll just pack my uniform for tomorrow.

Yea that's completely fine.
Thank you so much. See you in a minute, love you sis.

Love you too bro.

Phonecall end

"What's happened, is he OK?" Harrison asked, feeding Ethan with a bottle you had handed him during the call.

"He's fine, just looks like you're going to have to deal with two Chapmans around here for the next week or so."

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