Chapter 26-Carrie: Magical Spells

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I tried to sound as cool as I could be after listening to Tom's crazy story. I look at my feather. There's no way this could protect us against a assassin. I walk to the couch and turn the tv on. I go to Netflix and watch Z City.

  "Ahhhh!" I hear a blood-curdling high-pitched voice scream. Anna. Me, Tom, and Chris dart to Tom's room and when we look inside, Anna was sitting in the bed, and she was sweating. "What happened?" I ask. "I just had a very bad dream." Oh. I calm down a little and center myself. I could hear Tom's rapid breathing slowing down. "What was it about?" Chris asks. He was always a sucker for knowledge. "It-it was Blade. And Cl-Clara. They were talking to me. About how they're going to kill your mom." She looks at Tom and Chris. A drop of sweat rolls down my forehead. "If we don't know some certain powers about the feathers, we need them now." They all nod. "Abrakadabra!" Chris shouts. Nothing happens. "What was that about?" I ask. 

      "I don't know, usually something magical happens when that word is said." He's an idiot. "Wait! Tom, read the words on the feather." Tom breathes in. Then he runs up the stairs and goes to Chris' room. "Dude, what are you doing?" Chris yells. "Come here." We jog up the stairs and walk into Chris' room. It was a pretty big room. Astronaut pictures were everywhere, scientific equipment, and his bed. Tom was sitting in a chair and using a magnifying glass. Then he reads some certain words. And a breeze comes. "What was that?" Chris says. He had felt it too. Then Tom reads another few words. And the wind was more intense. Me and Chris literally had to hold on to the bed to make sure that we didn't get blown away. Then Anna comes up. "That will be very useful." I say. "What will be useful?" Anna asks. Then Tom reads the same words again. Anna had to hold on to the wooden railing to make sure she wouldn't fly down the stairs. "Ahhh!" She shouts. Then it finally stops. "Read some other words." I say. "No. We save all the mysteries for Clara and Blade. They can handle man-made disasters." Chris says in a serious voice. "But how did you direct it to us?" I ask. "I just looked at you guys." Tom answers. Chris mouths the word oh. 

      It has been hours since anything had happened. But Tom and Chris' mom had woken up. And she was planning the funeral. "We can't have to many people. Because then they will die because of us. So it will be just us." We all agree to that. "When is it?" I ask. She said that it was in January 22nd. That was 7 days away. "What should we till then?" I ask. Sophie(Chris' and Tom's mom) cleared her throat and put her hands on her lips. "You guys have to go to school." Was she crazy? "What! Even with two killers out to get us!?" Chris shouts. Sophie ponders the thought. "Fine, but you have learn from Khan Academy and do the school's homework."  we all agreed on the terms. "Wait, but what about my mom and dad and Anna's mom and dad?" I ask. Chris and Tom seemed hurt when I said dad. I felt guilty. I should be glad to have a mom and dad. "I can talk to them. You don't have to worry about that." I sigh in relief and sit back and turn the tv on. Everyone else went back to their beds. Anna went into Tom's. I remember Tom's story. They hadn't slept the night and morning. Now it was night, morning, and afternoon. I was a little hungry. I get off the couch and get a snack. Bourbon is amazing. I sit back down on the couch and start watching again.

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