Chapter 12- Promise

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In the previous chapter...
"I love you too butterfly,"


Tamaki P.O.V.

I did it. I actually did it. I confessed to Y/N. And they felt the same. This is best day ever! Now I'm going to the mall with Y/N, Nejire, and Mirio. This is going to be fun. The four of us don't get much time together anymore outside of school so we take any chance we get. I normally don't like the mall because of all the people but with Y/N there, I'll be fine. We are on the train on the way there.

"Tamaki! Hey Tamaki! Tamaki?" Y/N says and then waves their hand in front of my face. "Tama, you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just lost in my thoughts. Heh," I reply and they look at me with a worried look in their eyes. I understand why they might be worried. I've cut my arms due to thinking that I'm not worthy and that I'm nothing. But Y/N and Nejire and Mirio are slowly helping me out of that. 

"What were you thinking about?"

"Nothing much. Just about how happy I am to be with you and also that we all get to hang out today. Since we don't get much time as a group anymore. I'm not a fan of crowds but, with you there, I'll be fine," I say and grab their hand.

"Okay! But if you ever find the crowd to be too much, just let me know and we can find somewhere a bit more quiet until you feel more comfortable, okay?" Y/N says and I am about to respond but the train comes to a sudden stop and we all lose our balance. Then a voice comes on over the speaker...

"There is a villain in the area and we have been ordered to stop until the pros have taken care of it. They aren't sure how strong the villain is so they asked any heroes on the train to come up to the front to see me. Please don't panic. The pros will take care of it and we will all be okay,"

Y/N P.O.V.

I hear the announcement and I look over to the others and we all nod and then rush over to the front of the train and burst into where the driver is.

"Ah! Oh, hello! Are you four heroes? You look a bit young to be pros," The driver says and we nod.

"Yes, we are heroes. We are still students at UA but we are the top 4 students at UA," Mirio explains and the driver's eyes widen.

"Then that means, you're Mirio Togata, Nejire Hado, and Tamaki Amajiki. Oh! You must be their friend that I've heard of! Y/N, L/N!" He says and we all nod. "Wow, you are all so strong! Well, here are the directions to where the villain is," He says and hands me the map with a dot on it showing where the villain is. Then a voice comes over the driver's radio.

"Hello. This is pro hero Hawks. We could use some help over here! Do any of the trains have any pros on them?" The voice, that belongs to Hawks, asks. The driver quickly reponds.

"Hawks! Hello! I am the driver of a train nearby and I've got UA's top 4 students on my train. I'm going to send them your way!"

"Okay! Wait, the top 4? Wow, they're going to be very useful! Thank you! The villain has a fire quirk and I don't work well with fire,"

Time skip to when they find the fight,

I run up to see Hawks off to the side. Trying to avoid the flames so instead calling for more heroes. I see Endeavour also off to the side a bit and sending flames into the middle but the villain seems to be immune to fire. Hawks sees us and flies over to us. I quickly extend my glider. (A/N: You can bend it to be very small to fit it into your pocket)

"Hello! Are any of you good with fire?" Hawks asks and I nod.

"Yes, I am. But I need to get my hero outfit on first. I'll be back quickly," I run and grab my outfit from my bag. UA had instructed us to bring our hero outfits everywhere in case of a villain attack. I see Nejire behind me and Mirio and Tamaki running in another direction. We quickly change into our hero outfits and run back to the scene to see Tamaki and Mirio already there. I quickly take action.

"Hawks! I know you can't get near the fire but can you use your wings to clear some of the smoke? The villain might be trying to use the smoke as a cover!" I yell to Hawks and he nods. Quickly flapping his wings with more strength and the smoke clears a bit. I have a mask as part of my outfit so I open my glider and use it to get above the flames and then I close it and drop into the flames. I block out other noise and focus on the music playing in my earbuds. My favorite playlist. I use a sound wave to part the flames. I see the villain for a moment and notice they are glowing. They throw a ball of some sort out of the flames and once it hits the ground, it explodes. Then he shoots fire out of his hands. 'He has more than one quirk?!' I send a sound wave towards the villain and he falls to his feet. I grab the cords that a support item for my quirk that I have trained to use since I was a kid. I might not be able to use my electricity yet but I can still use them as a weapon. Then the villain turns and sees me.

"Who are you and how did you get into my flames?!" He yells and I smirk.

"I am h/n. I have a quirk and can part your flames. The downside is, if I use it too much, I can't use my other part of my quirk. But I don't need to worry about that as long as I have music playing," I say and the villain send flames at me. I close my eyes and brace for the burning feeling but it never comes. I open my eyes to see Tamaki jump in front of me. He gets burnt everywhere.

"H/n...I had to save you..." He says as he hits the ground.

"SUNEATER! TAMAKI! NO!" I yell. Anger fills me and I charge at the villain. I can feel the electricity running through me so I send it through my cords. The secret behind them is that they have electrical wires inside them so the electricity is at full strength. I use some of the electricity to run a bit faster as I wrap the cords around the villain and then send all the electricity through them. Electrocuting him and he falls to the ground. He won't be able to move for a while. I look around and see all the flames are still there. I run and stand over Tamaki and then send a huge sound wave to put the flames out. I fall to my knees from exhaustion and start crying. Tamaki is laying before me, unconcious. He would be okay if he hadn't stopped the flame from burning me. Its my fault. If only I was stronger.

"Y/N! Y/N! ARE YOU OKAY?!" Nejire yells as she runs up to me. Then she sees Tamaki and falls to her knees and hugs me. Mirio runs up and sees Tamaki and gasps. His best friend was badly hurt.

"What happened to him?" He asks.

"The villain was about to burn me and he jumped in the way. This is all my fault..." I say as I lean into Nejire.

"No its not! You fought so well! All I could do was watch from the top. Mirio can't do much with fire either. He could have gone in but he could have hit you on accident. I was so busy helping keep the flames back that I didn't notice Tamaki had left," Nejire says and all I can do is cry. Mirio picks Tamaki up and Tamaki wakes up.

"Y-Y/N..." He says with a weak voice. "I'll be...okay...I promise...but...promise me you'll...visit the hospital...until the day I'm discharged...okay..?" He asks and I smile and get up. I walk over to Mirio and look at Tamaki in his arms.

"I promise I will. I love you Tama," I say and quickly kiss him. He goes unconcious again but I'm not as upset because I know he'll be okay. 'I promise. Tamaki, I will visit you every day. I will call you when I can. I love you.' Is what I think before I go unconcoius myself. Not from injury but just from how tired I am. 'I promise'

My Little Butterfly- Tamaki Amajiki x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora