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Shin's P.O.V
Weightlessness. That was all I felt. A sense of weightlessness all around me as my pod plummeted through this blue planet's atmosphere. I could feel the warm air of the pod around me, then a sudden feel of gravity change that told me the pod was picking up speed in its descent. I lay back, still unconscious, still trapped in what felt like an eternal sleep. Peace. For once.

Until I woke up to three things that had not been with me when I escaped; a splitting sense of pain, and ravenous hunger that knifed my stomach from the inside along with thirst that burned my throat and mouth like lava boiling in a pit.

It was then I became aware of my current surroundings. I opened my eyes and was met with a blinding light that stabbed through my eyes like knives, seeing as they were still crusty and delicate after staying closed for so long. As the rest of my body woke up, I became aware of a few more things, the first being the smell of burning metal.

I've crashed, I realised at that moment, shifting my elbows underneath myself to get up. I tried, but suddenly collapsed as a sudden burst of pain shot up my right leg, and that was when a feeling of dread hit me.

Shit, I've been impaled, I cursed quietly, raising my head up to look at my now wounded leg that had several pieces of jagged metal piercing it, revealing silvery grey muscle and glowing blood pouring from the wounds like water. I struggled to sit up, making sure I didn't twist the shards any further into my wound. I lifted my arm to look at it and saw gashes lining it from the back of my hand up to my bicep. A burst of fire snaking up my back told my some of the jagged pieces had slashed my back as well, with blood streaming down my back from two gashes the same width as my wrist on my shoulder blades.

I managed to pull my wounded foot off the jagged metal pieces with some effort, groaning as I set it down closer to my still intact foot and took a moment to get my bearings right. Here I was on Earth, the blue planet, with (possibly) fatal or crippling wounds on three places, no food and no hydratable liquids anywhere in sight.

Good start, I grumbled sarcastically as I hauled myself out of the pod, feeling my body drop onto a patch of something black and rough.

Grass. An Earth plant. It dominated fields and was the main source of sustenance for herbivorous Earth creatures. Yet this particular patch was no longer green. My escape pod's accumulated heat had burned everything to a black-and-white crisp.

Then I caught the sight of three figures standing a few feet away from where I had crashed. Three female figures to be exact. Two were adults, one fair-skinned with short Tyrian purple hair and another with a tanned complexion and long jet-black hair. In between them was a shorter female, a young girl around five, who looked just like the second lady.

Then, for some reason, I blacked out.


Ichika's P.O.V
It all happened so fast I could barely process it.

First the 'pod' as I had taken to calling it was literally wrecked, with flames circling around and burning whatever inch of green grass they could reach and feast on. Then a strange humanoid shape suddenly hauled itself out of the broken pod, crawling a couple of inches towards us on the ground before finally passing out for God knows what.


"You said it girl", Seia nodded, backing up a bit.

"He looks hurt", Miko noted, peeking out from behind my shoulder at that moment. "We should help him"!

"Miko, hun, I dunno how smart that is", Seia mused, wary. "These are aliens, y'see. They can be mean and nasty sometimes".

"Maybe we can help him, and then he won't be mean and nasty anymore", Miko insisted, jumping down from my shoulders at that moment. "It's like what mom says. Sometimes, when people are hurt and scared, they become mean and nasty because they can't think straight, but if someone's patient enough to help 'em without blaming 'em for their nasty behaviour, then they'll turn into some pretty big mushes after that".

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