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(Yeah, I know, the picture looks kinda awkward (and also a little inaccurate because Shin didn't break his leg and he's not wheelchair-bound but whatev-).
(And for reasons that have to do with respect, I'll be referring to Ichika's mother by her maiden name, that is, Nakamura).

"Holy shit! Somebody asked you out"!?

Ichika readjusted the position of her violet cat-head earbuds in her ears, currently plugged into her phone and belting out 'Party In The USA' by Miley Cyrus in her ears. She paused a moment and looked up to see Ichiji looking down at her, holding a mug of green tea in his hand.

"To be honest, I'm just as surprised as you are", she replied at length. Her earbuds still sat firmly in her ears, but they weren't blasting music at the moment. "And it's the BMOC, to boot. I'm not sure if I'm just dreaming of if it really happened".

"Well, you're still thinking about it, so it couldn't have been a dream", quipped Uchida Akimoto, looking up from the newspaper he was currently reading. "What's a BMOC"?

"It means 'Big Man On Campus, Tousan", Niji answered, appearing at that moment with a coffee cup cake in his hand. "The term refers to guys who are rather popular in high school and university, usually one who's good looking and great at sports".

"Endo excels in his studies too", Ichika added curtly.

"What she said", Niji murmured.

"He's not one of your friends, is he"? Yuki Nakamura asked, looking over her daughter's shoulder at that moment.

"No okaa, he isn't", Ichika answered, returning her attention to her phone's playlist.

"You know, this is too good a chance to pass up", Sanji offered at that moment. "You could try it out. See if he's joking".

"He's definitely not, is he"? Yonji asked nervously.

"Well, if he is, then I'll show him what happens when you mess with one of my kids", Uchida snorted, then turned to his youngest daughter. "None of us are stopping you if you want to go, Ichika. Just be careful, alright"?

"Sure", Ichika replied, feeling as if a rock had just been rolled off her chest at that moment.

"You can take some of those leftover mochi cookies we made yesterday", Yuki suggested, pointing to a jar filled with round white cookies on the kitchen table. "He might like those".

"And be careful, alright"? Goji advised, leaning over to face his little sister at that moment. "This is your first date and all, so the moment you feel something ain't right, well...just 'nope' the hell out of it 'fore it gets worse, alright"?

"And don't worry about him hurting you", Sanji quipped, flexing one arm to show off his well-toned muscles. "He'll regret it if he tries, 'cause his new girlfriend's got a whole bunch of bodyguards here to take care of her"!

"I think one night of dealing with my own troubles is perfectly okay by okaa's and tousan's standards", Ichika mused, turning to her parents who nodded in reply. "Besides, I grew up around five rowdy brothers, so I'm pretty sure I can handle one guy for a night just as I handle you guys everyday".

A round of laughter echoed from Uchida, Yuki, Ichiji, Niji, Sanji, Yonji, Goji and Ichika at the latter's statement. Truly, Ichika had a way with dry humour, and normal humour at times when the mood hit her.

"All the same, love", Yuki reminded her daughter as she bounded down the hallway to her room. "Be careful".

"I will mom", Ichika replied, heading into her room to organise her stuff and pick out a good outfit for her date tonight.

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