And so, after a while, Edward saw his destination just ahead. He smiled to himself and then stated, "James, we're here!"

"How splendid! May I open my eyes now?" He asked smiling.

"Almost. Just puff a little bit further." said Edward as he stopped at a certain spot.

James did as he was told and then applied his brakes, stopping exactly at the point Edward wanted. "And now, may I open my eyes?"

"Yes, you may." Edward smiled brightly.

James then opened his eyes only to gasp in amazement at what he had seen. His dark orbs even shone in pure wonder.

In front of him there was the view of the island from above. Several buildings and engines could be seen from below, looking like miniature. It already looked beautiful during day time, but the sunset gave an even more special touch.

Edward looked at the red engine on his side and smiled as he noticed his astonished expression, sure that he wasn't ready to presence such sight.

"Oh Edward..." breathed James eventually, not taking his eyes out of the view. "This is so... beautiful..."

"Did you like it?"

"...I loved it..." James then glanced up at Edward, who was smiling sweetly at him.

"Heh, Henry told me he already showed this view to Gordon, and he had the same reaction as you." chuckled Edward as he looked at the sight. "He showed me that view, and I realized something that made me love it."

"Really? And what was it?" asked James as he glanced curiously at the blue engine.

Edward looked at James warmly. "Its splendor reminds me of you."

James felt his cheeks heat up with those words, and he blushed, being moved by Edward's statement. But he hid it by remaining his composure. "Yeah, I noticed it right away."

Edward rolled his eyes upward at James' retort, and he continued to admire the view. Both engines didn't talk since then and they looked until the sun went down completely.

*Small time skip.*

As the shining stars took over the now dark sky, James and Edward started puffing back to Tidmouth sheds. They wanted to take a well deserved rest, and maybe show off about the amazing day they had. (James doing the 2nd option)

They were reaching the bottom of Gordon's hill, and they glanced happily at each other as they remembered what they did earlier.

"You go first." said James as he stopped, playing the gentleman.

"Why, thank you James." purred Edward as he puffed up the hill.

James smiled as he started puffing up as well, not wanting to get past Edward. He paid attention to how the soft lights of the moon hit his blue paintwork, and he couldn't help but blush at Edward's beauty.

Once they reached the top, an idea flew through James' funnel. He looked at Edward and then smirked. "How about a race of who arrive faster at the bottom?"

"James, it's night, it can be dangerous." warned Edward, unsure if he had to do this.

"Eddie, just once, please. Then we can go to the sheds, I promise." insisted James, looking at his boyfriend with begging eyes.

Edward sighed and then smiled softly, getting easily convinced. "Okay, but just for once!"

James smiled lovingly at Edward, as if he said "thank you". They backed up a few inches, wheeshed some steam and so they started puffing down the track as fast as they could.

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