Finn Shelby imagine

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The prompt is: "Admit that you're wrong!".

Warnings: mentions of alcohol, mentions of violence

You had been quite young when you had first met Finn Shelby, but he had left an impression.
He had always been quite the fun loving person and when you had moved to Small Heath you immediately tagged along with him and Isaiah to reign mischief over your neighborhood.
You were too young to think about love but everyone around you could see that Finn was head over heels in love with you.
Over time even Finn realized how he felt about you, but you were still oblivious to it.
You had grown into a beautiful young adult, gaining a lot of attention by the people around you, which in turn angered Finn a lot.
He wasn't possessive but he cared for you and didn't want you to end up hurt, and he never gave up hope that you'd feel the same way about him one day.
It took years for you to develop feelings for anyone, but when the people around you started flirting with you you were happy to flirt back.
It drove Finn crazy seeing you flirt with a few men and women at a few different pubs, and staying close to you while they were trying to advance at you only agitated him further.
He began to start pointless fights with anyone around you and he started drinking more than usual, and his usual was already a lot.
It always stopped your flirting pretty quickly so that you could take care of your friend, most of the times involving curses or fits of anger from your part.
You weren't angry at him for disturbing your flirting most of the time, but because he was prone to get hurt, which you hated.
Whereas Isaiah had control over himself Finn lost that seemingly as soon as you entered a club or pub, but you still always wanted to go with him.
It was a way to ensure that the idiot was alright, even though you trusted Isaiah to handle him a fight usually ended faster when you politely asked the men to stop.
You didn't know why Finn decided to be an idiot and fight every man that was near the two of you but it annoyed you greatly, and you never got an answer when you asked him why.
Isaiah only chuckled and sometimes winked at you but Finn stayed silent, glaring at the ground or his best friend angrily.
Nevertheless you accepted his silence each time, not once realizing that he was trying to distract you from the man or occasionally woman you were talking to.
Even though everyone around you could clearly see how you affected the youngest Shelby none of them seemed to mind enough to stop talking to you.
You were oftentimes not even flirting but Finn mistook it as such, making a lot of the fights even more unreasonable.
It would have been far easier to just talk to you about his feelings but each time he had his mind set on doing so he froze whenever he decided to bring it up until he stopped trying to do so altogether.
Even though Isaiah and even his brothers tried to encourage him almost every day he didn't listen to anything but his picked up heart rate when he thought of you.
It was excruciating to watch him pining after you even though you didn't notice, even though he wasn't very subtle about it.
Finn was once again drunk, not yet out of his mind but definitely drunk, when you finally realized your feelings for him.
You were in a bar, talking to another handsome stranger when Finn came up to you instead of finding someone to fight, wrapping his arm tightly around your waist and pulling you closer towards him and further away from the man you had been talking to.
The man glanced at him irritatedly before looking back at you, a frown on his face.
"You with him?", he asked you, almost sounding angry or betrayed but you shook your head at the same as Finn nodded, hearing a firm 'yes' leave his mouth.
Glancing up at him with a frown you shook your head, trying to loosen his grip on your waist.
"No, I'm not. We're just friends", you answered as you managed to escape Finn's grip who stared at you with disappointment and betrayal in his eyes.
Smoothing over your clothes you smiled at the stranger before Finn again caught your eyes, his sad face burning into your memory so harshly you knew you wouldn't easily forget it.
"How can you say that?", you heard him ask, his voice void of emotion and when you glanced at Isaiah he seemed taken aback, watching you as if he had been waiting for this moment for ages.
You didn't even remember the stranger that was standing beside you as your eyes returned to Finn who swayed slightly, Isaiah moving quickly to his side to steady him.
"What do you mean?", you managed to get out as you stared at Finn who furrowed his eyebrows at you.
"You've never been just a friend to me", he answered you angrily and your heart rate picked up considerably.
It took a few seconds until the words that had spilled from his mouth made sense to you, and you were hit by realization, almost rendering you speechless.
"I thought we were... I mean we're friends", you answered him, your eyes quickly flickering to Isaiah who sent you an uneasy smile before you focused on Finn, who almost looked sick.
"Well, admit that you're wrong!", he almost shouted at you, the people in close proximity to you stopped talking and listened to you.
"I've always been in love with you, why didn't you notice?", he asked you, earning a chuckle from the forgotten stranger at your side and glaring at him.
Finn shot you one last desperate look before he turned around and left the pub, swaying a little on the way, but neither Isaiah nor you showed any inclination to follow him.
You were staring at the space where he had stood before your eyes shot to Isaiah's, who smiled nervously at you.
You could hear the guy beside you say something but you couldn't make out what he was saying as your brain worked harshly to keep up with the newly gained information.
You were shocked for some reason as you watched Isaiah with wide eyes, and he just looked back at you.
You remembered many of the times when Finn had looked in a way that had made your heart flutter but you had ignored it, focusing on the fact that Finn was and always had been your friend.
You had lied to yourself without even noticing that you had returned his feelings the whole time, and you almost hit yourself when you realized that.
Isaiah could literally read your thoughts as he watched you stare at him, your mouth opening slightly as you thought about Finn.
As soon as you were sure about your feelings your eyes became clear and you rushed past Isaiah, and he just looked after you before following you outside slowly.
When you finally caught up with Finn you pulled on his arm, turning him around as he lost his balance and fell against the wall behind him.
It wasn't harshly or rough in any way, he didn't hurt himself but he was surprised to see you, staring down at you with parted lips, breathing heavily.
You were breathing heavily as well as you looked up at him, eyes as wide as his and with no clue what to say.
It took you about a minute, quite a long minute before you knew what you wanted to tell him.
"I love you too", you breathed out, watching relief and surprise settle on his face, sobering him up pretty quickly.
Before you knew it you were reaching for him, pulling him into a tight hug he certainly wasn't expecting.
When he finally wrapped his arms around you you pulled away slightly to press a peck against his lips, a small smile forming on hour lips at the awe you could see on his face.
Holding him close you held your forehead against his, still breathing heavily from the shock you had been in and the running you had done to reach him.
"I love you too", you whispered again, earning a peck on your lips from him.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2020 ⏰

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