Chapter Twenty-Five

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IT'S THE DAY BEFORE GRADUATION DAY. Yes, they've finished N.E.W.T.s a couple of weeks prior. Right now, Sirius Black is frantically searching for Solis Edwards. Her trunks were still in her room. But, she was gone. Let's recap what happened.

Solis Edwards was alone unlike the usual companion of Sirius Black. He was nowhere to be found. Maybe he was with his friends. It was odd not having him around, since he's constantly around her out of worry about her and the baby. Weird. She tries to shrug it away. She walked through the hall of Hogwarts alone and it was quiet — almost empty from all the younger students who left for home. But a random seventh year student walked towards her. He was in a Hufflepuff uniform and gave her a letter.

Solis Edwards, I failed to take away both things you loved the most. But, I won't fail no more. Sirius Black, what a handsome boy. It'd be sad to see a scratch on his pretty little face. Maybe even a quick killing curse could do it. Just kidding. I want to see your face as I torture your boyfriend. Don't even think of notifying anyone. Because your time is incredibly limited. Meet me at the forbidden forest, if you want to save the blood traitor.


A pure panic overwhelmed her whole body. Goosebumps at the thought of a pained Sirius. Nothing was on her mind other than running towards the forbidden forest. She couldn't think straight. Sirius might be in danger. She can't risk it. She needs to get to him right away.

A hooded figure was waiting in the middle of the dark forest. Solis suddenly felt the cold air hitting her skin. It was freezing. She had left with nothing but her wand.

"You're here." Belle Hallow voiced out. She turned around towards Solis. "Foolish indeed. I've guessed correctly. For love, you came right away."

The look on Belle's face was absent. No expression. It gave Solis a sense of terror. She fidgeted, realizing that Sirius wasn't even there. Everything was planned from the beginning.

"How's the child?" She smirked. Solis couldn't respond. She only felt incredibly stupid. Now, she's going to get kidnapped by her crazy ex best friend. Poetic.

"Doing great. No thanks to you though. Poison? Did my crazy in-laws gave it to you?" Solis could only respond with sarcasm. She didn't want to look scared.

"Sarcastic Solis. How charming." The girl chuckled with a tinge of sinister. "Let's not keep this up any longer." Solis raised her wand. But, Belle was faster, "Expelliarmus." The brunette's wand dropped.

Belle casted a sleeping charm and Solis dropped to the ground immediately. And with that Solis was taken away.

Currently, Sirius Black used the marauders map, but Solis was simply not in the school grounds. The boy came to his friends immediately.

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