"What's wrong?" I asked and he buried his head in my neck without saying anything and I had to wait for him to calm down before asking him what was going on.

"Lucius" he muttered in reply.

"What about him?" I asked with a frown and he pulled away from me.

"He wants to take me away from my mom" he said, tears coming back in his eyes "He said that he had every right to take his own son back to his house and that he will. My mom can't do anything because she knows that even though he lost his reputation he is still powerfull and a business man that will have anything he wants." He explained and I shook my head.

"I won't let him take you away from your mom" I reassured him "We can go to Grimmauld Place. Believe me he won't find you there." Draco nodded and hugged me again.

"How dare you step a foot here" George shouted, startling us and we pulled apart, seeing every Weasley as well as Hermione staring at us. It was the first words that came out of his George's mouth since I arrived here and I wasn't sure if I prefered when he wasn't talking or not. "Death eater." he spat "You killed my brother" he shouted trying to jump on Draco but was held back by Charlie and Bill. I could see him trembling in anger and I knew things were about to go down when I understood just how much he was angry. Ron wasn't the only animagus in the family, the twins were animagi as well. They were both dogs just like Ron and were extremely easily angered which meant that he lost control easily and so he tranformed. And that was what was happening right now.

"George" I said "Calm down" he growled in reply, wrestling against the grip of his brothers.

"I'm gonna kill him" he spat.

"What you're gonna do is calm down" I said louder but he ignored me.

"I'll rip him and that awfull thing inside him to pieces" he screamed, trying desperately to get to Draco. I was feeling my wolf starting to get angry as well at the threats against my mate and my unborn son. "Let me go. Let me bloody go."

"You better stop right now" I said to him, clenching my jaw. George's eyes suddenly turned a light shade of gold and the grip on his arms were not enough anymore. He broke free and ran to Draco but I stepped in front of him and flashed my dark red eyes and growled loudly and threateningly at him. He stopped dead in his tracks and coward away immediately, eyes going back to normal. I kept lowly growling at him and was about to take a step forward but a hand stopped me.

"Harry" Draco whispered and I turned my head towards him, my eyes going back to their usual green color immediately. He smiled at me gently and looked toward the others. I turned my head and saw them looking at me with fear in their eyes. George was trembling while avoiding any eye contact with me again and I suddenly felt bad. I didn't mean to scare any one of them, I just wanted to protect my family.

I woke up in a startle and looked around, noticing that we were safe and still in Draco's bedroom. It was early in the morning and the sun was only starting to rise. I stood up, carefull not to wake Draco up and walked to the window. I opened it and took out a cigarette before lighting it and take a long needed puff. I looked out at the scenery and started to get lost in thoughts.

"Harry?" Draco's voice echoed in the silence after a few minutes. I turned my head to him and smiled at his sleepy face and bed hair. The sight was truly adorable.

"Go back to sleep darling it's still early" I whispered and he rubbed his eyes while yawning.

"I can't" he grumbled under his breath.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because you opened the window and now it's bloody cold and you're over there and not here to keep me warm" he pouted angrily and I chuckled softly, closing the window as I was finished and walked back to the bed. I lied down and pulled him to my chest. He sighed in approval and fell back asleep not too long after while I stroked his hair tenderly.

Dangerous Animagus (Drarry) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant