Emma and the popular brats

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One day Emma woke up to her mom yelling "Emma wake up you're going to be late for the first day of school". Emma rushed out of bed in a hurry considering it was the first day of a new school in a new town and she wanted to make a good first impression, so she brushed her teeth, fixed her hair then wore her clothes and look in the mirror and said "you're off to great places.today is your day just be yourself and you'll make great friends". And off she went with her head high! She finally reached the school and nervously walked down the hall with her face sweating like crazy! As she was walking she felt many eyes staring and whispering behind her ear. She reached her class and the teacher told her to introduce herself. Emma anxiously opened her mouth and said: " hi I'm Emma I came here from Chicago and hope to have a great year at this school". First and second period went by like a blur until it was break time. While Emma was walking down to the cafeteria she thought in her head " maybe this isn't going to be a bad day after all", until three spoiled looking brats came up to her and said: "you're the new girl right? Well considering how poor and ugly you look you're going to have a rough year . While Emma brushed it off and acted like nothing happened these girls really got to her so she decided to eat in the bathroom stalls. Break was over and Emma was ready for her next class. On her way she got tripped by the 'popular brats' and heard laughing and giggling all around her. She wanted to scream and yell at them and tell them that they have no right to treat her that way but instead she stood up with tears in her eyes and ran home as fast as lightning while her heart was beating rapidly. She got home ran to her room and locked the door,her mom ran after her, stood by the door and asked: "sweety are you ok"? multiple times but there was no answer so she left. The next day Emma didn't even want to step inside inside the schools building but she knew that going to this school was a great opportunity to a successful future so she decided to go. Emma reached the school and saw many people looking at their phones and laughing loudly. She asked one of the people beside her "what's going on"? And she answered: "the video of you crying went viral and has over a thousand views, and you were nicknamed the cry baby". Emma panicked and ran to class as fast as she could trying not to get noticed, then she saw the diva looking brats bullying a sweet and innocent girl and she remembered what her mom used to tell her (stand up for what's right even if it means standing alone) so she decided to do what's right and walked up to them and slapped them right across the face then said : "sometimes it's better to keep your mouth shut and give the impression that your stupid than open it and remove all dought". Then walked away with her head high. On her way to the next class everyone looked at her and were impressed of what she did then, suddenly the girl that she defended stepped up to her and said: " thank you for what you did out there, that's the nicest thing anyone's done to me and I really appreciate it". "My pleasure". Answered Emma. Over a week the popularity of Emma grew and she became one of the most popular girls in school but Emma didn't really care about that. Her bond with the girl she defended, Kaitlyn grew stronger and overtime they became best friends. The three brats learned their lesson and now know that what they were doing was wrong and that they never look good making someone else look bad and that blowing out someone's candle doesn't make yours shine brighter so respect others and stop bullying.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2020 ⏰

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