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"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed." - Mahatma Gandhi.

What does this quote mean? In my opinion, it means that some people are never happy with what they have and they just want more, which is what greedy means. For an example, in the book I'm reading, "Hoot", Mother Paula is being greedy because even though she already has alot she still wants to build Mother Paula's Pancake House. When you are greedy you are not only hurt yourself, your hurting other people. In the book "Hoot" she harms the owls because she is selfish,heartless, and only cares about her. When people are greedy it harms other people because you are just taking what should be theres. Like the rich, Pubublicans, only want to get richer and not pay tax to give to there community. Some people just have that personality trait, that they dont want to give back and they just want to keep getting things. That is a horrible trait that some people and Mother Paula has.

This quote is a good way to show an example of greedy-ness. This world doesn't have enough space to keep giving the greedy.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2012 ⏰

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