Chapter 2

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"Fuck," Harry gasped, as he felt Draco bite into the tender skin below his ear. It hurt, yes, but it also made his breathing quicken and he arched slightly off the bed.

Draco chuckled softly near his ear, and went back to kissing, licking and nibbling along Harry's neck. He seemed to be mapping out every part of his skin, noting what made Harry moan, pant and whimper.

The bonds were looser this time, invisible strands that looped around Harry's wrists and ankles, and attached to the four posts of the bed. He was spread eagled on top of the covers, fully clothed, with Draco usually lying on top of him.

It had started on the sofa, but they quickly realized it wasn't that comfortable. Harry had readily agreed when Draco had suggested moving to a bedroom, perhaps a bit too eagerly.

Draco was wearing black jeans that made his legs look endless and his ass amazing, but Harry had only been able to watch, not touch, when he was lying on his back. Draco crawled over him, looking absolutely delicious, his eyes dark and intense.

Harry had never made out with someone before, but he was pretty sure that was what they were doing. They shared soft, light kisses, building into harder, deeper ones. Draco teased him with the tip of his tongue, tracing along his lips, and into his mouth.

It got to be too much at times, and Draco dropped down on Harry, both panting hard, sinking into each other. He could smell either Draco's shampoo or a light cologne, some enticing mix that made Harry want to burrow in closer to inhale deeply.

Harry kept thinking Draco would stop, roll off, and release Harry. Call it a night. But time after time, they cooled down, breathed normally, and Draco would kiss him again. It was almost embarrassing how quickly Harry became a panting, sensitized mess, pressing upwards to rub against Draco, turning his face to kiss along Draco's jaw. Wanting to taste his skin, feel his light whiskers rasp against his lips.

Draco seemed to want it just as much, arching his neck when Harry hit a good spot, his pale skin turning a deep pink when Harry sucked and kissed at a certain place a bit too long.

Harry loved the weight of Draco on him, his slim body surprisingly solid. He had filled out a little, sleek muscles covering bones that had seemed more angular in their school days. Draco was mostly kneeling between Harry's legs, shifting over him. There was a brush of something firm against his thigh, and Harry wondered if Draco was as hard as he had been for hours, or so it felt like. There were too many layers of clothes between them to be sure.

Eventually, Draco sat back, his lips swollen and his eyes half-lidded. He released Harry's bonds. "I better get home," he said softly, swinging his legs to sit on the edge of the bed and tugging at his clothes to straighten them.

Harry sat up beside him, reaching over to take his hand. "Can I cook for you? Um, next time?"

Draco's eyebrows raised a bit at that, but then he nodded, looking pleased. "Something spicy?"

Standing up, Harry rolled his shoulders. He had no idea how long they had been up here, but he knew he'd have to do some stretches later, maybe even soak in a hot bath. So worth it.

"Vindaloo, with lots of ginger," he said, pulling Draco off the bed.

Draco followed Harry down the stairs, neither of them wanting this night to end.

At the door, there was an uncomfortable moment. Harry wanted to kiss Draco goodbye, but was afraid he'd pull away. Despite what they'd been doing half the night, Draco could be skittish when Harry initiated things.

He must have been showing his thoughts pretty clearly, as Draco seemed to take pity on him, hugging him close and kissing him deeply. Harry squeezed him tight, loving the feeling of being in each other's arms. What had happened earlier was more about sex and exploration, but this was about liking and being increasingly comfortable with each other. Both were exciting steps for Harry.


-This is kind of slow paced, sexy fluff, isn't it? Lol. Both guys are just figuring things out.

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